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This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.

The client is experiencing issues with incorrect strings showing in the Rankmath meta information of their multisite WordPress installation.
1. We resolved the issue on the main site by translating the meta description using the WPML Translation Editor.
2. We translated global metadata through WPML > String Translation.
3. In some instances, we navigated to WPML > String Translation > Translate texts in admin screens, searched for the site title and tagline, added them to WPML String Translation, and then translated them.
4. We reminded the client that WPML needs to be installed and activated on each subsite of a multisite network, as content is handled independently and cannot be connected across subsites.
5. We requested network access to the multisite to assist further with the /journal/ subsite issues.
6. We provided links to guides that could help with understanding the integration of Rankmath and WPML for multilingual SEO:

If this solution doesn't seem relevant to your situation, please open a new support ticket so we can assist you further.

This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

Everyone can read, but only WPML clients can post here. WPML team is replying on the forum 6 days per week, 22 hours per day.

Our next available supporter will start replying to tickets in about 1.53 hours from now. Thank you for your understanding.

This topic contains 16 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by lamineD 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

Assisted by: Andreas W..

Author Posts
January 26, 2024 at 5:48 pm #15231346


Let's forget Facebook stuff; I wanted to explain my view.

Let's focus on the site.

I created a short video that explains perfectly the issue: hidden link

As you can see in the string translation, my English Metadata is in French: hidden link

Please advise

January 26, 2024 at 6:21 pm #15231443

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


The earlier provided credentials for your staging site appear no longer to be valid.

I would like to offer to have a closer look at the problem and request temporary access (wp-admin and FTP) to the website to investigate this issue further.

You can find the required fields below the comment section when you log in to leave the next reply. The information you provide is private, which means only you and I can see and access it.

Please be sure to make a backup copy of the website and database before allowing us access.
If you can't see the wp-admin / FTP fields, your post and website credentials are set as PUBLIC. DO NOT publish the data unless you see the required wp-admin / FTP fields.

The private response form looks like this:
hidden link

Next time you reply, click "I still need assistance."

hidden link

Please note that we are obliged to request this information individually on each ticket. We may not access any access information not specifically submitted on this ticket in the private response form.

Best regards

January 27, 2024 at 1:59 am #15232060

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


When clicking on the token link I get redirected to /mon-compte which first of all makes me think that the provided account might not be an admin account.

Further, I am not able to access the site, as there is a critical error.

See screenshot.

To assist you with this error I would need FTP server access.

Bets regards

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-26 205532.png
January 27, 2024 at 9:47 pm #15233403

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


We offer the add-on "WPML SEO" which is installed on your website.

This add-on allows you to translate custom fields for each content that is coming from Yoast SEO or Rankmath SEO.

None of these plugins is currently installed on your site.

You will need to install one of these plugins, to be able to translate the SEO metadata of your content.


Best regards

January 28, 2024 at 7:40 am #15233627


Hi Andreas,

WPML SEO is already installed and activated, but it's

hidden link

hidden link

hidden link

hidden link

Please advise


January 30, 2024 at 1:25 pm #15243945

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


I see you installed now Rankmath SEO, which was not installed when I visited your site the last time.

Further, there are only three pages translated on your website and there are currently not any posts. Also, 13 products have not been translated yet.

Please name me again an example of content that shows difficulties with translating the SEO meta information.

As you can see in the string translation, my English Metadata is in French: hidden link

Please assign the string to the French source language.


Best regards

January 30, 2024 at 1:52 pm #15244132


Hi Andreas,

For 1-2 months, I have been using WordPress Multisite.

Rankmath has been installed since I launched my site 1,5 years ago.

You can find all my posts translated on the subsite /journal check here live: hidden link
hidden link

Here, we are discussing the subsite /store, which is under development.

In the screenshot I shared, there is an English flag, but the string is in French: hidden link

This is my issue.

How can I change the string to "House of Luxury and Beauty"? and all the string in French in the English column? There is no pen near the UK flag to change the text like the French flag.

As also discussed previously, the site is set in general settings as "Site language=English" hidden link

but as you advised me, WPML is set to French default: hidden link

but the site still seems to be set at English with wrong string in English

Same issue with /journal/en: there is no switch of SEO for the English version hidden link

All this is very confusing.

Last, is it normal to not see the WPML SEO Menu here? hidden link

Please advise


January 30, 2024 at 2:34 pm #15244421

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

It is expected, as many plugins and themes use English as the default language for their strings.

Please assign the string to the French source language.


January 30, 2024 at 3:03 pm #15244811


All is more and more confusing for me; it is switching to a nightmare!

Andreas, I am not talking about plugin translation but the result on my source page.

All the SEO data on my English page are in French. How to translate it?

This is it; forget everything I wrote before.

Focus on one thing:

My pages in English below have their SEO data in French. Why? And how to translate it into French?

hidden link
hidden link

Tape Ctrl + U to view the source code and you will see all SEO data are in French instead of English.

January 30, 2024 at 5:03 pm #15245747

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


I will be glad to have a look into this for you, but I need access to the site.

Until now, I only had access to the staging via token and this is not longer working.

The private reply form is enabled again, to provide me admin access to the site.

Best regards

January 30, 2024 at 6:16 pm #15246023

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

It seems I do not have a Super Admin account, as I can only have access to:

hidden link

On hidden link I do see a "Coming Soon" page.

I revise the source code and can not see any issues here.

Open the translation of the homepage inside the Advanced Translation Editor and you will see that not all those fields have been translated into English and I see those translations inside the source file. See screenshot.

Only exception:
- Maison de Luxe et Beauté

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-30 131316.png
January 30, 2024 at 6:25 pm #15246158

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

Could it be that this issue is related to the "Coming soon" page content showing up on the homepage?

January 30, 2024 at 6:59 pm #15246216


I upgraded your account to sup admin.

hidden link
CHECK SEO data. All is in FRENCH: view-source:hidden link
SCREENSHOT hidden link

hidden link
CHECK SEO data. All is in FRENCH: view-source:hidden link
SCREENSHOT hidden link

You forget to answer this question:
Last, is it normal to not see the WPML SEO Menu here? hidden link

Where do I translate SEO data?

January 30, 2024 at 8:34 pm #15246473

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

Thank you very much again for the details.

For hidden link I was able to solve the issue.

Here the meta description was not translated when translating the page with the WPML Translation Editor.

Global metadata is getting translated with WPML > String Translation, which I also completed.

In a few cases I needed to go to WPML > String Translation > Translate texts in admin screens and search for the site title and tagline (for example), then add it to WPML String Translation and translate it.

Please read this guide:
hidden link

Question here:

I still do not have network access to the multisite. hidden link is a subsite of your multisite network?

If so, take note that WPML will need to be installed and activated on each subsite of your multi-site network. The content on each subsite is handled independently. This means that you can not connect content from hidden link to hidden link.

I need access to hidden link to be able to assist you on this matter.

meta description.png
January 30, 2024 at 8:56 pm #15246515



You wrote:

Here the meta description was not translated when translating the page with the WPML Translation Editor.


You wrote:

Global metadata is getting translated with WPML > String Translation, which I also completed.

HOW? What strings?

I need to be autonomous and know how to. I thought WPML was compatible with rank Math and translating SEO data, right?

I have 3 sites on my WP Multisite.

WPML is installed in the first two.

Do you have access to hidden link ? I gave you super admin acess.

lamineD confirmed that the issue was resolved on 2024-01-31 08:59:55.
This ticket is now closed. If you're a WPML client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.