I am trying to: set up WPML Media. After activating the plugin there is one step necessary. This fails with this error message:
atal error: Uncaught Error: Argument 3 passed to WPML_Media_Translations_UI::__construct() must be an instance of WP_Locale, instance of WPML\ST\MO\WPLocaleProxy given, called in /var/www/cms/wp-content/plugins/wpml-media/classes/menus/wpml-media-menus.php on line 89
in /var/www/cms/wp-content/plugins/wpml-media/classes/menus/wpml-media-translations-ui.php on line 43
Please check if the issue persists in a minimal environment by following these steps.
1- Deactivate all the plugins except WPML CMS and Media Translation.
2- Switch for a moment to a WordPress default theme like Twenty Twenty-one.
If the issue is gone, activate them one by one to see which one there is causing an interaction issue.