- Sizes do not display in product detail page dropdown of language English hidden link
- The order of the sizes in which they are displayed in the front-end dropdown of the product detail page differs from base language Italian. Sometimes the sizes are not chronologically displayed (e.g. 24 27 25 26 28 29)
- Product main featured image not correctly synced to secondary language English
Reproduce by visiting this archive page and hovering your mouse over the product images -> a new product image is shown which indicates correct mapping of main featured image and attachments/product gallery images for base language import Italian: hidden link
Then visit the English version of that same archive page. You will see that the image used for the main image is most of the itme completely different for the base language Italian, plus also the hover animation is broken which indicates there is no correct mapping. Go there by clicking on the English flag in the footer or by navigating here: hidden link
- Product gallery not correctly synced to secondary language English for a lot of products
Base language Italian: hidden link
Secondary language English: hidden link
The products where the thumbnail effect works correctly (as explained above), have product gallery images attached.
- when I look for a certain SKU, another product often comes out but it doesn't have that SKU (nor any other matching number within the content of said product) hidden link