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WPML Writing Materials

Learn how to write WPML documentation to
share with your readers.

What is WPML?

No. 1 Multilingual Plugin

Installed on over 1 million WordPress websites

Market Leader

Translating WordPress websites since 2011

Powered by AI

Integrated with the latest AI to generate human-level translations

How to Document WPML

1. Installation & Setup

To use WPML, your clients first need to purchase a WPML plan. For most websites, the WPML Multilingual CMS plan is sufficient: 

  • Includes all WPML features
  • Free automatic translation for ~45k words
  • Costs just 99€ per year

Once purchased, your clients can then install WPML and begin the setup wizard, a short process for configuring a few WPML settings: 

Choose Languages

Choose Languages

Select from 65+ pre-configured languages or add your own.

Choose URL Format

Choose URL Format

Organize URLs into subdirectories, subfolders, or different domains.

Add Translators

Add Translators

Add your own team of translators, or connect with translation services. 

Install Addons

Install Addons

Download additional addons to translate specific plugins. 

2. Translating Content

Once WPML is configured, you can start translating content. To begin, go to WPML Translation Management and follow two steps:

Select Content for Translation

1. Select Content for Translation

Choose pages, posts, custom posts, templates, and any other content on your website.

Choose a Translation Method

2. Choose a Translation Method

Translate by yourself, with your translators, automatic translation, or professional translation services.

To translate content faster while achieving human-level accuracy, we recommend using WPML AI – our most powerful machine translation engine powered by ChatGPT.

3. Reviewing Translations

Reviewing translations is optional, but recommended for important content, like your homepage. Similarly to translating content, clients can review translations by themselves, or with their team of translators. 

To review translations, go to WPML Translations and follow four steps:

start a review

Start a Review

Select which translations to review. 

preview translations

Preview Translations

Preview translations on the front-end before publishing them. 

Edit translations

Edit Translations

If needed, make changes using WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor.

publish to website

Publish to Website

Accept translations and publish them to your site.

4. Translating Your WooCommerce Store (optional)

If your theme or plugin includes WooCommerce elements, clients can translate them with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency, a free addon by WPML. 

Similarly to other website content, clients can translate their WooCommerce store using Translation Management. They can also configure different multilingual settings to offer a completely localized experience, including:

localized checkout

Localized Checkout

Translate the cart and checkout pages

currency switcher

Currency Switcher

Let visitors view prices in the local currency

currency options

Currency Options

Display currency by user location or site language

custom prices

Custom Prices

Set different prices in each currency or use automatic exchange

Branding Guidelines

When writing your documentation, feel free to use any of our trademark icons – as long as you adhere to our branding guidelines:


Use WPML graphics to promote our brand and products

Use our graphics on blog posts and other digital media


Modify or alter provided graphics

Incorporate our graphics into your own branding, or use it in a way that it misleads visitors about the ownership of the service


To learn more about our guidelines, download our guidebook.


To download all files, click the button below.

WPML logo 600x225px
WPML logo 600x225px
WPML logo 600x225px
WPML logo with a tagline 600x283px
WPML logo with a tagline 600x283px


The official WPML colors in RGB and hex codes.


RGB (201,71,31)


RGB (51,135,158)


RGB (82,79,84)