Background of the issue:
I am using Elementor and Unlimited element to display carousels. I want the links to be linked to the current language. It works with all the links but the products attributes' ones (brands) because they are set to 'not translatable' and I don't want to translate them. I know the translated version of the links work though. Example: /brand/spitfire-wheels /fr/brand/spitfire-wheels/ work. Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
On sliders with a link to a product attribute (brand), I expect to see the translated version of the link. Instead, I got the original language version of the link. WPML seems to be fixing them.
How can I prevent WPML from changing my links in Elementor?
Why are product attribute links not showing the translated version?
Quick addition :
I have a shortcode that displays a list of brands (= products attributes).
It gets the content from a php page and edit all the links.
I stored in a var all the links separated by comas and displayed them in an html commented line before the rendered html and all of them are in the current language but the html code that is displayed has all its linked changed back to original language. WPML is 'fixing' the links using a wordpress hook somewhere. I need to prevent this action and be sure wpml doesn't change any link.