I am experiencing several issues on my site with WPML integration. Please note that I am not using any widgets in my configuration.
ACF License Expired:
My Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) license key has expired. Could this affect WPML’s handling of field translations or syncing of dynamic data?
ACF Options Page Repeater Fields Not Displaying:
I have an ACF Options Page that is set as translatable. However, the repeater fields on this page are not displaying any data in the translated versions, while they work fine in the primary language.
Dynamic Slug Translation Issue:
Despite having disabled slug translation in WPML settings (I have unchecked any option that would translate slugs), it appears that WPML is still translating dynamic field slugs. This causes the builder or code to fail to recognize the correct field names, resulting in data not being displayed in the translated pages.
Could you please advise on:
Whether an expired ACF license might cause translation or syncing issues,
How to ensure that the repeater fields on the Options Page display correctly in all languages, and
How to prevent WPML from translating dynamic field slugs so that the builder or code recognizes the correct field names.
Thank you for your assistance.