Background of the issue:
I am trying to translate strings in the header and footer using WPML. I have checked all possible places and forum topics but couldn't find any strings from the footer or header in WPML tools. The issue can be seen on this page: hidden link
WPML is not able to translate strings in the header or footer. The header button 'Prihlásiť sa!' and footer content remain in the original Slovak language without translation.
How can I translate the button on the header?
How can I translate the footer content?
Thanks for contacting WPML forums support. I'll be glad to help you today.
1) Please go to Templates-> All Templates, click "All", and translate the footer template.
Kindly check this guide to know more about translating Elementor templates.
2) It's not related to the issue, but according to your, the WP memory limit needs to be increased. PHP memory is fine, but WordPress uses 40Mb as default. The minimum requirements for WPML are 128 MB. (Kindly check this page
You can increase it by adding the following code in your wp-config.php file right before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ line:
i found strings, and elemt where are strings stored.
Footer is okay. But, button In header content, is translated, but now showing data in button, there is still main language and button does not switch language.
Thanks for your reply. Please let me know if the header template is translated.
If it's translated and the button is not translated on the front end, I would need to look closely at your site, so I would need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated.
Your answer will be private, meaning only you and I can access it.
❌ Please backup your database and website ❌
✙ I need your permission to deactivate and reactivate the plugins and themes and change site configurations. This is also why the backup is critical.
✙ I also need your permission to take a local copy of your site to debug the issue without affecting your live site.