-> Is it possible to translate or change the source(src) of images, added with divi builder in the ATE?
-> normaly i can change url's from everything like buttons, links etc. but in this case not from <img>
-> if i type "http" in the ATE, there is no URL from the image module to translate
-> i saw, that you have an additional plugin for the media translation, but if its possible to replace src url from image in the Advanced Editor directly, that would be better for us.
-> Do you hide the src from images intentionally in ATE?
-> why do i not see the src URL's from pictures in ATE?
If you've inserted links using the Anchor Tag (<a>) or embedded them within buttons, they should be visible in the ATE at the time of translation when you search for 'http'. Which means only the hardcoded links are supposed to appear in ATE. However, if you've added an image using a Divi module (such as the image module), the source URL won't show up in the ATE because the image was selected directly from the Media Library.
In order to translate images added using image module, you can either use the "Media Translation" plugin or edit the translated page manually and add the translated image.