<b>Background of the issue: </b>
I am trying to get Elementor to behave the same on translated pages as on the original English pages. The number of lines displayed on the text blocks are never the same depending on where you look. On the English pages, everything is constant, meaning 5 lines of text on each Elementor text block. Somehow, WPML is messing up Elementor. Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
<b>Symptoms: </b>
Lines of text in Elementor Text Editor that does not exceed the 5-line limit I expected.
<b>Questions: </b>
Why are the number of lines in Elementor text blocks different on translated pages?
How can I ensure Elementor behaves the same on translated pages as on the original English pages?
After turning off MEMCACHED on the SiteGround server, the issue appears to be gone. Who knows, maybe all my other issues with WPML has been due to that MEMCACHED??? Time will tell.