Background of the issue:
I am trying to translate the start page of my site hidden link using WPML. We only use the advanced editor.
When translating the start page, the translation often gets completely lost and does not show up anymore. I need to check the English page to see if the translation is still visible.
Any idea why the translation gets lost?
I am not entirely sure, what happens, but content should get lost. Can you maybe record a video of your steps and what goes wrong so I can understand the issue better? You can use free tool like LOOM.
I am afraid, that this is not possible, as it happens sporadically and I am not able to detect a certain action or incident from our side which causes the problem.
It did happen several times in the past and we don't know how to reproduce it.
I would be glad to help, but as said not sure what you mean. Does it get lost in ATE editor or only on the frontend, does the job get completed or not?
If it only happens on the front end, butthe job is completed (pencil icon), then it could be some cache or similar, if the job does not get completed then it could be some plugin, issue, or object cache causingthe the issue for job to not be completed.
I would recommend creating a staging site and trying to figure out any steps or issues that might cause the issue, or how it happens, that would be helpful, otherwise,e I am afraid it is just a guess from my side.
thanks... I understand and it looks cumbersome to find here a cause and a solution, but I have the issue again now. shows the german text.
The job looks completed, there is the pencil and when I click on it the ATE says, that the job is 100% completed.
Nevertheless, there is only the german text available.
There is no caching plugin in use and I don't understand what triggers the issue and I also don't know how to solve it to get the english text shown.
In the past it was enough to save the translation again, but it doesn't work now.
I would advise further checking with hosting if they use any caching or security addons, since we do not need time to save the content, if it is 100% it is saved in your database of the website. If it is after 10 minutes shown, it could be that something is affecting the save.
I would also advise checking with all plugins disabled, only leaving WPML plugins and Avada, and then trying to re-translate to see if that works when the issue happens.