The website we have problems with has a lot of content, for example there are over 800 product attributes, so it is a big issue when deploying.
Sometimes we cannot even edit the translations, and when that happens I have to delete the PHP langugae file from the server and translate the attribute label again.
The files wouldn't be a problem if they worked properly, but clearly they don't, and interfering with content and having to delete files directly from the server because of content issues is not something any developer would be happy with, nor is our client.
We have to launch soon and I already see that it's going to be a daily issue with the client because the files aren't generated properly and it blocks the translations from being added / edited. Can you at least look into files being generated properly without the need to delete them for them to regenerate?
- Make sure you have a backup.
- Disable all other plugins and leave active only WPML plugins and Wocommerce
- Switch to WP default theme
- Check if the issue still happens and if you still can not edit the translations.
I deactivated all plugins except WooCommerce, WPML, WPML String Translation and WPML Media Translation. At first I didn't deactivate WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency because that's also your plugin I believe. When I deactivated WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency, I was able to enter and edit taxonomy labels translations.