I successfully installed WPML Media Translation, but I have a related follow-up question:
If I add a button with a link to a PDF on the English version of my site and then translate that PDF to another version for a different language, the button still points to the original (EN) PDF instead of the translated one. The link does not update automatically when switching languages.
Is this expected behavior, or is there a setting that ensures the button dynamically links to the translated PDF?
That’s a great question! What’s happening here is that WPML doesn’t automatically replace media file links inside buttons or content, even if a translated version of the file exists. The reason is that links are treated as static content, so unless they’re specifically translated, they will continue pointing to the original file.
That being said, we can definitely make this work. You can manually update the link in the translated button version, ensuring it points to the correct PDF for that language. If the button is added through the WordPress block editor or a page builder, it should be possible to edit the translated version and update the link accordingly.
WPML offers this feature, but I'm unsure whether it will support PDF links.
You can definitely run a test, and please let me know how it goes. I'm curious to see if it would be a viable alternative for your needs in this situation.
It doesn’t seem to work, even after switching the ACF settings to expert mode and making all fields translatable—it still doesn’t show up in the editor.
Is switching back and forth the only solution, or do you have any other suggestions?