You have been so helpful so far. Thanks for your asisstance. There is one another topic, I want to ask you. When I add new blog article in Russian language I face a such an error as shown in the attachment whereas the article is normal at the all languages.
Could you please help me?
Thanks for your reply. I've checked and it looks like there are some errors coming from the server as shown in the attached screenshot. Could you share FTP access here so that I could check the error logs?
I regret any inconvenience caused, but to proceed with troubleshooting, I kindly ask for a snapshot of the site. Alternatively, with your permission, I can create one myself. For this purpose, I typically recommend using the free plugin "Duplicator." If you're already familiar with Duplicator (, please skip the following steps and simply send me the archive file you downloaded.
To guide you further, please adhere to these instructions:
1. View the Duplicator instructions video: hidden link
3. If the archive file exceeds 400MB, please use Duplicator's file filters to exclude cache, wp-uploads directory, media, and archive files.
Once you have the archive file ready, kindly share the link with us. You can utilize platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, or similar for file sharing, as the snapshot file might be large.
Please note that your next reply will be private, visible only to you and me. You can paste the file link there. Rest assured that once the issue is resolved, I will delete the local site.