Background of the issue:
I am using the plugin Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer to customize WooCommerce email notifications on my site hidden link. I have 2 issues with String translations.
Some translated strings work while others do not, resulting in the email including the original string instead of the translated one. Additionally, placeholder strings do not work in translated strings and appear as placeholder text in the notification.
Why do some translated strings work while others do not in the Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer plugin?
How can I get placeholder strings to work correctly in translated strings?
Welcome to the WPML support forum. I will do my best to help you to resolve the issue.
In some cases, it is possible that those strings have been recognized but not associated yet with the String Translation panel for the translation. Please visit WPML>>String Translation and click on the *Translate texts in admin screens »* link at the bottom of the page.
Then search for the missing strings in the *Admin Texts Translation* screen and check whether it is listed or not. If so, please add it for translation and translate it.
As I explained in my initial message, strings already appear, are registered and translated in String Translation but not all translations work in the email notifications.
In any case I searched in Admin Texts Translation and there are no additional strings for translation.
So the issue in not that I don't find the strings, but that some of them their translations don't work and on others work in emails.
Thank you for the updates. Does it happen when you process the order/email from WordPress Dashboard or a client make the purchase?
Please try the following steps after a full site backup{mandatory} and make sure the issue exists or not.
1) Upgrade WPML Multilingual CMS to 4.6.12 series
2) Visit WPML>>String Translation
3) Enable the *Look for strings while pages are rendered* option of *Auto register strings for translation* section(on the bottom of the screen)
4) Then process the mail and check the issue exists or not
The problem happens to Woocommerce email notifications, that are designed in WordPress backend with Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer.
To text content of Woocommerce email notifications that are send, some texts translations work but some other not. The solution you propose "Look for strings while pages are rendered" is for front end pages, so this I believe cannot apply to my situation.
Thank you for the update. Hope you are having this issue while processing the orders placed from Greek language. If so, please try the following steps and let us know your feedback.
1) Visit Users>>Profile
2) Set *Greek* as Profile Language
3) Install *Email Log* - plugin
4) Sent a mail
5) Email Log>>View Logs
6) Please open the email and check if it is showing the correct results
Thank you for the feedback. In the past, we received the expected results for the emails when processing WooCommerce orders from the site backend after changing the profile language to a secondary language (For example Greek).
Please fill in the private details fields after a full site backup{mandatory}. I would like to access the admin area of your staging site for further checking. Refer to the following links for more details about our private information sharing policies.