translated strings only showing when "look for strings while pages are rendered" is enabled.
hi there,
iam trying to translate some strings. to find them on my pages i used the option "look for strings while pages are rendered". found it, translated them. as long as the option is active, the strings are shown correctly, but as soon as the option is inactive, the strings of origin language are shown.
Thanks for contacting WPML forums support. I'll be glad to help you today.
1) First of all, sorry for the late reply due to a higher workload. Please let me know the answer to the following questions.
1- How do you translate the strings automatically?
2- Is the languages folder set to be writable?
3- Does this issue happen to strings from the exact plugin/theme or randomly?
2) It's unrelated to the issue, but according to your, the WP memory limit needs to be increased. PHP memory is fine, but WordPress uses 40Mb as default. The minimum requirements for WPML are 128 MB. (Kindly check this page
You can increase it by adding the following code in your wp-config.php file right before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ line:
thanks for your reply. i have crawled my templates for strings und used the strings translation management to translate them manually. since this did not worked properly (i needed to have "look for strings while pages are rendered" activated in order to see them in front-end) i tried the automatic translation. now it is working (for some reason). iam still not sure what was (or still is) the problem but it seems to work now.