Background of the issue:
I am using WPML in a multisite environment and encountering issues with the switch_to_blog() function. My setup includes the latest WordPress version, a multisite installation, and WPML active only on Blog 1. I have a simple plugin that inserts a post after switch_to_blog is called: function wpml_switch_poc_init(): void { $post_arr = [ 'post_title' => 'My very first post', 'post_content' => 'My very first post content', 'post_type' => 'post', ]; $blog_1_post_id = wp_insert_post( $post_arr ); var_dump($blog_1_post_id); switch_to_blog(2); $blog_2_post_id = wp_insert_post( $post_arr ); var_dump($blog_2_post_id); restore_current_blog(); } add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wpml_switch_poc_init'); WPML is not active on Blog 2, and I do not intend to activate it there.
I expected no usage of WPML filters after switch_to_blog is made and WPML is not active in the target blog, with no error messages. Instead, I received a WordPress database error: Table 'db.wp_2_icl_translations' doesn't exist for query SELECT tra.term_taxonomy_id AS translated_id, IFNULL(corr.term_id, 0) AS correct_parent FROM wp_2_term_taxonomy org JOIN wp_2_icl_translations iclo ON org.term_taxonomy_id = iclo.element_id AND iclo.element_type = CONCAT('tax_', org.taxonomy) JOIN wp_2_icl_translations iclt ON iclt.trid = iclo.trid AND iclt.source_language_code = iclo.language_code JOIN wp_2_term_taxonomy tra ON tra.term_taxonomy_id = iclt.element_id LEFT JOIN wp_2_term_taxonomy parents ON parents.term_id = org.parent LEFT JOIN wp_2_icl_translations parent_lang ON parents.term_taxonomy_id = parent_lang.element_id AND parent_lang.element_type = CONCAT('tax_', parents.taxonomy) LEFT JOIN wp_2_icl_translations iclc ON iclc.language_code = iclt.language_code AND parent_lang.trid = iclc.trid LEFT JOIN wp_2_term_taxonomy corr ON corr.term_taxonomy_id = iclc.element_id WHERE org.taxonomy IN ('category') AND IFNULL(corr.term_id, 0) != tra.parent AND iclt.source_language_code IS NOT NULL made by require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('plugins_loaded'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wpml_switch_poc_init, wp_insert_post, do_action('save_post'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, display_tax_sync_message, do_action('wpml_new_duplicated_terms'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, new_duplicated_terms_filter, WPML_Term_Hierarchy_Duplication->duplicates_require_sync, WPML_Term_Hierarchy_Duplication->get_need_sync_all_terms, WPML_Hierarchy_Sync->get_unsynced_elements. WPML filters remain active after using switch_to_blog() despite the plugin not being active on Blog 2.
Why are WPML filters still active after using switch_to_blog() when WPML is not active on Blog 2?
How can I prevent WPML filters from affecting Blog 2?
thanks for your help. I tried replicating my issue but unfortunately your provided setup is already different from my setup:
* WPML is not enabled network wide but only on blog 1.
* WPML is not active on Blog
Since you activated WPML network wide the corresponding tables like "wp_2_icl_translations" exist whereas it doesn't trigger the error message.
I altered your test installation to my plugin activation setup (without my test plugin). If you could remove the icl-tables from blog 2 and blog 3 we could test this issue again and verify the problem.