WPML runs with WooCommerce. There is currently a problem with variations in some configurations. We are working on it and will have a new version with these last things corrected next week. There are plenty of sites running WooCommerce on our showcase now: https://toolset.com/showcase/
the funny thing is, not even one single website in your showcase has multiple languages enabled. or do you can tell me how to read catering roma in english, i.e.?
i would be interested in wpml, but of course i need some real proofs before of purchase.
Is there the option to translate all HTML, including, for example, titles in the footer?
Is there any way this can be done automatically?
We have a SEO plugin, does that mean that we can enter the SEO for each post in each language?
Yes. WPML let’s you translate everything in your site, including titles, footer, etc.
You can enter SEO texts into each language separately. We are doing the same on our own sites and we are ranked pretty highly in all languages we are translating to.
I’m really not sure, as this is the first time I’m seeing this plugin. If you are a client of this plugin, you can contact the author and suggest to work with us and test compatibility. We are very happy to work with any theme and plugin author and check compatibility together.
Will the plugin allow to switch theme logo image? Will it switch images based on language as well? Some images may have text in them and I will need to flip them.
I noticed on your site that Search translated but the text ran off the button. Is there a way to make sure buttons scale properly?
Some themes hard-code the logo in the PHP. In that case, you’ll need to make a tiny edit to the PHP and add conditional code, based on the language. Other themes let you select the logo in the theme admin. In that case, it’s easier to provide logos per language, as WPML can ‘translate’ the name of the logo file.
Button scaling is a CSS / theme issue. You’re right that we need to fix it for our own site. WPML can set the correct locale and the theme’s CSS should include selectors per language, so that sizes are correct. This is something that WPML cannot automate, as it requires manual work from a designer.
The URLs in your site look normal. This is not a WPML issue or a WordPress issue, but how browsers interpret URLs with Arabic characters.
There is only one way to encode Arabic characters in the URL and this is what WordPress is doing. It’s correct. Some browsers display the URL correctly and some older browsers cannot understand it, so they display the ‘strange’ URL, which is just the URL encoding.
Log in to your WPML account and you will see a big button to upgrade to the CMS version. You will only need to pay the difference between the two subscriptions and not the full price.
Is it possible to integrate WPML without knowing any sql, I have seen bunch of some comments in your min requirements page that database needs to be created, I guess my question is; is it possible to run the site in 2 languages simply using wordpress UI and without doing doing any backhand work?
Thank you.
You don’t need to use any PHP or MySQL to add languages to your site with WPML. Just install the plugin and everything should work on normal WordPress installations.
If you are using a very restrictive web hosting, which doesn’t allow creating tables, you will need to temporarily allow that. This happens in a small number of sites, but since there are hundreds of thousands of sites running WPML, you can see it in our forum.
For 99% of the people, things work without trouble on the way and we have support staff who help for different issues the remaining 1% have.
Is WPML compatible with Gantry framework(RocketTheme)? there is no in your list but too many Q&A here, so can please guide me to see where I can buy it or not because I am using Gantry framework?
We didn’t test compatibility with Gantry framework, so we don’t know how it performs with WPML. I see it’s a free framework, if you want I can test it tomorrow and let you know the results?
Hi, sorry if I write here again, but I have not received an answer to my question, and I have to know before buy the plugin.
I use WordPress (3.5) with custom post (with plugin: Custom Post Type UI) and custom fields (with plugin: Advance Custom Fields).
Problem: I’m trying an old version (2.4) of your plugin but the custom fields are not synched between the languages. Notice that instead the “standard” Tag field is well synched.
I explain this by steps:
1- create a new post (custom post type)
2- enter data in the custom fields and save the post
3- in WPML box I check “Duplicate” and duplicate the entire post
4- go in the translated post and click “Translate independatly”
5- in this way I have a perfect copy of the untranslated post (because I have about 90% of the custom fields that must to be the same between the language and in this way I will not re-enter the same data twice)
6- now if I have to modify some custom fields, it will NOT have effect in the translated post, and I have to re-enter the same modified data also for the translated language
Maybe it’s more simple to understand if you try yourself the 6 steps and see with your eyes what happens.
Then the question is: with WPML recent versions I solve the issue explained in the step (6). Or is there another solution?
We’re looking to add WPML to our site. The theme is certified. We’d like to see the translations in action (demo) before purchasing and going live. Is this possible?
I’m sorry, but we don’t have a demo version of WPML. If you buy WPML and you’re not happy with it, for whatever reason, let us know and we’ll immediately refund your order. Would that work for you?
Simple question has probably been asked and answered before but I don’t see any way to look at older comments.
Does this plugin work with the standard theme installed with WordPress.
We basically build custom themes for every client to match whatever design and requirements the site has and we start with the standard theme and modify as needed.
WPML works fine with most WordPress themes. We work with any theme author who is interested and verify compatibility. We’ve listed our own testing results here: http://wpml.org/documentation/theme-compatibility/
Of course, there are many many more themes that run great with WPML. That list includes what we tested ourselves.
If you write your own theme, make sure to wrap texts with GetText, so that they are translatable too.
Certainly. Each language will have its own content. That content can either be independent or translations (linked together). WPML will help you manage the translations.
All the navigation is maintained per language. All the links and locale will be in the current language. When switching languages, everything will switch together.
We are considering getting WPML for our WordPress multi-language needs, but we have some questions:
WPML Function Calls
We are in the process of building our own custom theme and we’re wondering if WPML provides some functions that we can call to determine what the current language selection is. For example:
Since we are developing our own theme, and are considering adding some custom types/fields, is it better to go with the Multilingual CMS package or the Multilingual Blog one?
You should probably get the Multilingual CMS package, which includes String Translation. You’ll need this to translate texts with GetText and other texts that are not part of the post content.
As always, I recommend backing up the DB before upgrading any plugin. We do that ourselves before we upgrade WordPress, WPML or any other plugin (or the theme).
WPML includes migration logic that should make this upgrade seamless. It will add the required new elements to the DB and you shouldn’t feel any impact.
You are running a major upgrade from an older WordPress version and I’m sure that you are using more plugins than just WPML. If it was my site, I would first check it on a development server (even local) to see that everything works well. WPML should not give you any trouble.
For some reason, html tag wasn’t included in my previous message.
I meant on proper html language tag – for example html lang en for english language, html lang es for spanich etc… can I do that with basic license? It’s very important for me to tell search engines the language of the text on the page.
WPML uses the same language tag (html lang en) for both languages used on my site (English and Serbian). It doesn’t change html language tag to proper Serbian language tag.
Bump for an answer.
WPML is showing wrong language tag in html code for my translated pages. It still uses html en for pages translated from English to Serbian.
How can I solve this?
It’s really difficult to provide good technical support over comments here in the pre-sales page. How about posting it in our technical forum?
You should provide complete information about what you are doing, a link to where we can see it, and possibly a screenshot of the Languages admin screen. This should be plenty for our support people to see what’s wrong and help.
Hi Want to buy the Multilingual CMS.
But something is not clear for me. I want to use it to a have a spanish version of a already existing english site.
Do the plugin automatically translate the content in my pages for the spanish version?
Or the plugin just help me manage the translation, which means I the one who need to translate the content?
WPML doesn’t do automatic translation. It lets you translate yourself, or get professional translation. This page explains about different translation options with WPML: http://wpml.org/documentation/translating-your-contents/
No problem at all. Log in to your account. You will see a big button to upgrade to the full CMS version. Click on it and you’ll need to pay only the difference.
“Hi, I’m trying to set my language switcher to display as a menu by going
to “WPML > Languages” and selecting “Display the language switcher in the
WP Menu” but it does not seem to work (yes I created and set the menu).
Please see the attached image.” https://col124.mail.live.com/att/GetAttachment.aspx?tnail=0&messageId=edf19e60-8cf0-11e2-b70a-00215ad8c1be&Aux=110|0|8CFEF14D7D145D0||0|1|0|0|6|3,11,53&cid=1174d7e88e1127a0&maxwidth=220&maxheight=160&size=Att
Make sure you have also sync’d your menu to other languages, there is an option at WPML -> WP Menu Sync to do it quickly. If you continue to have problems, we will be able to support you better on our forum: http://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/
I wrote you on 1st march, than you replyed me very fast. So I wrote you on 12th march… I rewrite now the same questions to have your feedback… thanks!…
Thanks for the fast response of 2nd march.
Any news about the compatibility of the plugins list of 1st march?… I didn’t find it in this site.
Another question: Could WPML support 24 different languages at the same time (in both front-end and back-end)?
Thanks in advance for your friendly response.
Cristina Lancioni.
I don’t see any problem with running 24 languages. The posts and pages lists may be a bit cluttered, with so many languages, but other than this, there shouldn’t be anything special.
I don’t understand your question about compatibility of plugins. What compatibility are you looking to verify?
Hi, I want to buy, so pre-sale question :
Site will be bilingual (French/English)
– Language switcher : Can we have only the word “English” instead of a drop down, and when clicked, we switch to English website (then the word becomes français).
– When we switch from French to English, will the entire website/page switch as well ? In other words, we want to switch to the English website with the English version of the post, not just have the post in English and the primary nav in French, for example.
– Categories : will they be bilingual ? And permalinks ? for example, for one post (permalinks structure being categories/post title) http://www.mywebsite.com/trends/mypost and http://www.mywebsite.com/tendances/monarticle
– Does it work with SEO Yoast?
I am eager to leave qTranslate it has been hell, and if the responses are positives here, WPML looks like the best plugin for the job. Thank you.
LAST question, but an important one :
– Should your plugin be installed FIRST or after all other plugins (SEO Yoast, WP Total cache, Social plugin etc.) be installed ? Or it doesn’t matter ? Thanks!
You can install WPML first or at any other time. It will add the language information to all existing content. Then, you can add translation
If you install WPML before creating content, things will be a bit easier, as you can add content in all languages together. However, it doesn’t really matter much.
i am planning to get WPML , i am going to use it with ARABIC language , this language is a RTL direction , i am wondring if the WPML is supporting this type of languages.
Yes. Plenty sites run Arabic with WPML. WPML itself is fully localized to Arabic too and admin screens work smoothly with RTL. You should check that your theme runs correctly with RTL and Arabic. Many themes display correctly with RTL, but some don’t. WPML will set the locale correctly so that the theme knows the language and direction, but the theme’s CSS must be built for RTL.
Hi, we are thinking about using WPML for our multilingual page, but we heard, that there is a problem with the images. The posts which mention this are older. Is there now an easy way to use different images for each language, like for sliders?
I am not aware of any issue with images. Can you describe the problem?
For sliders, the solution would depend on what you are trying to achieve and how the slider works. If the slider is taking its images from custom fields that belong to custom posts, things would work very easily. WPML would use different posts, with different fields, per language, so they would naturally have their own images.
This really depends on how the slider is created and how it stores its images.
Hi Amir,
thank you for your reply. I have a software product in several languages and for example their screen shots display the text of the user interface – English, Chinese, German, Spanish – this text cannot be translated as text, I would have to use a different picture for each language, is there a way to use different images for each language?
first one – from last year – says, that wpml doesn’t support images, next one has a solution. Is this the actual state? My aim is to use for each language own pictures.
Certainly. When you translate content with WPML, translations go into their own pages. These pages may include their own images, with captions and everything else. You can reuse the images from the original language, but you can also upload new images, per language.
I think that the forum question was about WPML extracting texts from images and then rebuilding them. This is not possible. However, if you take your own localized screenshots, you can upload them to the translated content without problem.
I am running my personal portfolio site with qTranslate now, but want to switch to WPML. Most of the extra functions of the CMS version are not useful for me. However I do want everything on my site translated. Mostly I’d like to know how much of the text within my theme and widgets I can translate with the blog version.
The basic Blog version will let you translate menus, posts and pages. For other texts that don’t belong to any post, page or custom type, you will need the full CMS version. It includes the String Translation module that translates widgets and other texts in the WP admin which are not part of the posts table.
I would like to know to what extend I can translate themes and widgets with the blog version. Can I for instance translate the content of a widget (not the title) with the blog version?
To translate widgets, including their titles and texts, you will need the complete CMS package. It includes the String Translation module, which is necessary for translating texts that are outside of posts and pages.
I want to have multiple currencies for my webshop using e-commerce.
I dont really care for multilingual, Im just after the multicurrency.
So im wondering if wpml is a good solution for that? Im thinking that I’ll just leave all the translations in english and only enable the currency option, is that gonna work?
Which version of wpml do I need for that, the cms or is blog version enough?
You don’t need to translate anything, but to keep different products in sync for different languages, you’ll probably need the Translation Management module, so you need to get the $79 Multilingual CMS package. Then, you can use the content duplication feature to have the same text in different languages, but actually in different products in the database.
We are a web design company looking to build a site using woocommerce Multilingual for a customer.
Please send me some links to existing multilingual sites using the above. Ideally using English, French and German. But just an example would be good.
Kind regards
WPML runs with WooCommerce. There is currently a problem with variations in some configurations. We are working on it and will have a new version with these last things corrected next week. There are plenty of sites running WooCommerce on our showcase now:
the funny thing is, not even one single website in your showcase has multiple languages enabled. or do you can tell me how to read catering roma in english, i.e.?
i would be interested in wpml, but of course i need some real proofs before of purchase.
Here is a nice site running WooCommerce and WPML:
Just a few quick questions to clarify:
Is there the option to translate all HTML, including, for example, titles in the footer?
Is there any way this can be done automatically?
We have a SEO plugin, does that mean that we can enter the SEO for each post in each language?
Yes. WPML let’s you translate everything in your site, including titles, footer, etc.
You can enter SEO texts into each language separately. We are doing the same on our own sites and we are ranked pretty highly in all languages we are translating to.
Thanks for the reply.
Does that include SEO texts on plugins like All in one SEO pack?
hello , the theme i need to translat is : http://themeforest.net/item/sommerce-shop-a-versatile-ecommerce-theme/542001 , this theme can run well on multilingual sites with WPML ?
the plugin is valid for multiple sites? or should I buy one for each site? thanks
You can use WPML on as many client sites with a single purchase. No need to buy per site.
I want to buy this plugin, but I’m wondering if it will work with any exising visual timeline plugins – specifically this one:
I’m really not sure, as this is the first time I’m seeing this plugin. If you are a client of this plugin, you can contact the author and suggest to work with us and test compatibility. We are very happy to work with any theme and plugin author and check compatibility together.
Will the plugin allow to switch theme logo image? Will it switch images based on language as well? Some images may have text in them and I will need to flip them.
I noticed on your site that Search translated but the text ran off the button. Is there a way to make sure buttons scale properly?
Some themes hard-code the logo in the PHP. In that case, you’ll need to make a tiny edit to the PHP and add conditional code, based on the language. Other themes let you select the logo in the theme admin. In that case, it’s easier to provide logos per language, as WPML can ‘translate’ the name of the logo file.
Button scaling is a CSS / theme issue. You’re right that we need to fix it for our own site. WPML can set the correct locale and the theme’s CSS should include selectors per language, so that sizes are correct. This is something that WPML cannot automate, as it requires manual work from a designer.
We are using wpml plugin in our wordpress website, In Ie it returns url in encoded form(http://ink-ksa.com/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a5%d8%b9%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa/) where as in chome and firefox it retuns url in decoded form(http://ink-ksa.com/الإعلانات/)
Please help me to find a solution.
Kind regards
The URLs in your site look normal. This is not a WPML issue or a WordPress issue, but how browsers interpret URLs with Arabic characters.
There is only one way to encode Arabic characters in the URL and this is what WordPress is doing. It’s correct. Some browsers display the URL correctly and some older browsers cannot understand it, so they display the ‘strange’ URL, which is just the URL encoding.
I just recently purchased economic WPML want to upgrade to $79. Could you please help me to upgrade it?
Log in to your WPML account and you will see a big button to upgrade to the CMS version. You will only need to pay the difference between the two subscriptions and not the full price.
Is it possible to integrate WPML without knowing any sql, I have seen bunch of some comments in your min requirements page that database needs to be created, I guess my question is; is it possible to run the site in 2 languages simply using wordpress UI and without doing doing any backhand work?
Thank you.
You don’t need to use any PHP or MySQL to add languages to your site with WPML. Just install the plugin and everything should work on normal WordPress installations.
If you are using a very restrictive web hosting, which doesn’t allow creating tables, you will need to temporarily allow that. This happens in a small number of sites, but since there are hundreds of thousands of sites running WPML, you can see it in our forum.
For 99% of the people, things work without trouble on the way and we have support staff who help for different issues the remaining 1% have.
Does this help?
Hi Amir,
Is WPML compatible with Gantry framework(RocketTheme)? there is no in your list but too many Q&A here, so can please guide me to see where I can buy it or not because I am using Gantry framework?
Dear Farhad,
We didn’t test compatibility with Gantry framework, so we don’t know how it performs with WPML. I see it’s a free framework, if you want I can test it tomorrow and let you know the results?
Hi, sorry if I write here again, but I have not received an answer to my question, and I have to know before buy the plugin.
I use WordPress (3.5) with custom post (with plugin: Custom Post Type UI) and custom fields (with plugin: Advance Custom Fields).
Problem: I’m trying an old version (2.4) of your plugin but the custom fields are not synched between the languages. Notice that instead the “standard” Tag field is well synched.
I explain this by steps:
1- create a new post (custom post type)
2- enter data in the custom fields and save the post
3- in WPML box I check “Duplicate” and duplicate the entire post
4- go in the translated post and click “Translate independatly”
5- in this way I have a perfect copy of the untranslated post (because I have about 90% of the custom fields that must to be the same between the language and in this way I will not re-enter the same data twice)
6- now if I have to modify some custom fields, it will NOT have effect in the translated post, and I have to re-enter the same modified data also for the translated language
Maybe it’s more simple to understand if you try yourself the 6 steps and see with your eyes what happens.
Then the question is: with WPML recent versions I solve the issue explained in the step (6). Or is there another solution?
Hope to hear you soon. Thanks
We’re looking to add WPML to our site. The theme is certified. We’d like to see the translations in action (demo) before purchasing and going live. Is this possible?
I’m sorry, but we don’t have a demo version of WPML. If you buy WPML and you’re not happy with it, for whatever reason, let us know and we’ll immediately refund your order. Would that work for you?
Thanks so much for your response… one more question. Does the software automatically translate our site, or do we need to perform the translation?
Simple question has probably been asked and answered before but I don’t see any way to look at older comments.
Does this plugin work with the standard theme installed with WordPress.
We basically build custom themes for every client to match whatever design and requirements the site has and we start with the standard theme and modify as needed.
WPML works fine with most WordPress themes. We work with any theme author who is interested and verify compatibility. We’ve listed our own testing results here:
Of course, there are many many more themes that run great with WPML. That list includes what we tested ourselves.
If you write your own theme, make sure to wrap texts with GetText, so that they are translatable too.
Hi there,
Can you provide any info on how you handle the use case where different locales have both shared and unique content pages please?
Sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean. Can you please give an example?
Hi Amir,
Thanks for replying.
I’m thinking about the situation where one ccTLD has pages that another ccTLD does not.
Does the WPML plugin help manage navigation or CMS use in this case?
Certainly. Each language will have its own content. That content can either be independent or translations (linked together). WPML will help you manage the translations.
All the navigation is maintained per language. All the links and locale will be in the current language. When switching languages, everything will switch together.
We are considering getting WPML for our WordPress multi-language needs, but we have some questions:
WPML Function Calls
We are in the process of building our own custom theme and we’re wondering if WPML provides some functions that we can call to determine what the current language selection is. For example:
if( wpmlObj->getLanguage() == "fr" ) {
echo "Français";
else {
echo "English";
Custom Types/Fields and Subscription Type
Since we are developing our own theme, and are considering adding some custom types/fields, is it better to go with the Multilingual CMS package or the Multilingual Blog one?
WPML sets language constants. You will need to use ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE. For it and other constants, have a look here:
You should probably get the Multilingual CMS package, which includes String Translation. You’ll need this to translate texts with GetText and other texts that are not part of the post content.
Hey there!
I’m willing to pay for multi-lingual licence, but I have one question
At the moment I’m running WPML version on WordPress 3.4
Am I safe to upgrade my WPML to the newest version? Is it smooth, because my site is medium sized?
Thanks in advance!
As always, I recommend backing up the DB before upgrading any plugin. We do that ourselves before we upgrade WordPress, WPML or any other plugin (or the theme).
WPML includes migration logic that should make this upgrade seamless. It will add the required new elements to the DB and you shouldn’t feel any impact.
You are running a major upgrade from an older WordPress version and I’m sure that you are using more plugins than just WPML. If it was my site, I would first check it on a development server (even local) to see that everything works well. WPML should not give you any trouble.
Thanks for fast reply!
One more question: does Multilingual Blog license allow adding of custom and proper language tag – e.g.
This is very important feature for me.
Yes, you can add your custom languages with the basic Blog version too.
Hey Amir!
For some reason, html tag wasn’t included in my previous message.
I meant on proper html language tag – for example html lang en for english language, html lang es for spanich etc… can I do that with basic license? It’s very important for me to tell search engines the language of the text on the page.
Bump for an answer.
WPML includes the language tags in any case. This is a core feature in the Blog version as well.
I’m having problems with language tags.
WPML uses the same language tag (html lang en) for both languages used on my site (English and Serbian). It doesn’t change html language tag to proper Serbian language tag.
Bump for an answer.
WPML is showing wrong language tag in html code for my translated pages. It still uses html en for pages translated from English to Serbian.
How can I solve this?
It’s really difficult to provide good technical support over comments here in the pre-sales page. How about posting it in our technical forum?
You should provide complete information about what you are doing, a link to where we can see it, and possibly a screenshot of the Languages admin screen. This should be plenty for our support people to see what’s wrong and help.
Hi Want to buy the Multilingual CMS.
But something is not clear for me. I want to use it to a have a spanish version of a already existing english site.
Do the plugin automatically translate the content in my pages for the spanish version?
Or the plugin just help me manage the translation, which means I the one who need to translate the content?
WPML doesn’t do automatic translation. It lets you translate yourself, or get professional translation. This page explains about different translation options with WPML:
Hi, I am building a client site and need to use WPML and Woocommerce MultiLingual to provide a complete German version of the site.
Can you please tell me whether I need the Basic or the CMS version to do this?
You will need the full CMS version ($79), so that you can translate everything, including texts that don’t belong to products.
Unfortunately, I already purchased the Basic version. How can I upgrade / get a refund on that?
No problem at all. Log in to your account. You will see a big button to upgrade to the full CMS version. Click on it and you’ll need to pay only the difference.
“Hi, I’m trying to set my language switcher to display as a menu by going
to “WPML > Languages” and selecting “Display the language switcher in the
WP Menu” but it does not seem to work (yes I created and set the menu).
Please see the attached image.”
Make sure you have also sync’d your menu to other languages, there is an option at WPML -> WP Menu Sync to do it quickly. If you continue to have problems, we will be able to support you better on our forum:
I can’t see images from your email. Can you please create a thread about this in our forum and upload the image there?
I wrote you on 1st march, than you replyed me very fast. So I wrote you on 12th march… I rewrite now the same questions to have your feedback… thanks!…
Thanks for the fast response of 2nd march.
Any news about the compatibility of the plugins list of 1st march?… I didn’t find it in this site.
Another question: Could WPML support 24 different languages at the same time (in both front-end and back-end)?
Thanks in advance for your friendly response.
Cristina Lancioni.
I don’t see any problem with running 24 languages. The posts and pages lists may be a bit cluttered, with so many languages, but other than this, there shouldn’t be anything special.
I don’t understand your question about compatibility of plugins. What compatibility are you looking to verify?
Hi! Thanks.
I would like to know if WPML works with the plugins listed in the mail I wrote you on 1st march…
Cristina Lancioni.
Hi, I want to buy, so pre-sale question :
Site will be bilingual (French/English)
– Language switcher : Can we have only the word “English” instead of a drop down, and when clicked, we switch to English website (then the word becomes français).
– When we switch from French to English, will the entire website/page switch as well ? In other words, we want to switch to the English website with the English version of the post, not just have the post in English and the primary nav in French, for example.
– Categories : will they be bilingual ? And permalinks ? for example, for one post (permalinks structure being categories/post title)
http://www.mywebsite.com/trends/mypost and http://www.mywebsite.com/tendances/monarticle
– Does it work with SEO Yoast?
I am eager to leave qTranslate it has been hell, and if the responses are positives here, WPML looks like the best plugin for the job. Thank you.
Sounds like you should build a custom language switcher for this. It’s pretty easy to do with WPML’s API. Here is a page that explains how to build your own language switcher:
When you switch languages, everything will switch together. This includes the navigation, locale, content and everything else in your site.
WPML translates categories, tags, custom fields and all content types. Translated categories will have slugs (URLs) in French.
WPML works great with Yoast SEO plugin. We use it on our sites and are very happy with it.
I hope this helps. Have a good weekend.
Thank you!
In fact I found the answer in your doc about the language switcher :
Language Switcher in Menu
in http://wpml.org/tutorials/adding-and-customizing-language-switchers/
Is exactly what I needed.
LAST question, but an important one :
– Should your plugin be installed FIRST or after all other plugins (SEO Yoast, WP Total cache, Social plugin etc.) be installed ? Or it doesn’t matter ? Thanks!
You can install WPML first or at any other time. It will add the language information to all existing content. Then, you can add translation
If you install WPML before creating content, things will be a bit easier, as you can add content in all languages together. However, it doesn’t really matter much.
dear sir
i am planning to get WPML , i am going to use it with ARABIC language , this language is a RTL direction , i am wondring if the WPML is supporting this type of languages.
waiting for your replay .
Best regards
Yes. Plenty sites run Arabic with WPML. WPML itself is fully localized to Arabic too and admin screens work smoothly with RTL. You should check that your theme runs correctly with RTL and Arabic. Many themes display correctly with RTL, but some don’t. WPML will set the locale correctly so that the theme knows the language and direction, but the theme’s CSS must be built for RTL.
For your convenience, we’ve written a blog post about how we added Hebrew language and RTL support to our own site:
Does this help?
Hi, we are thinking about using WPML for our multilingual page, but we heard, that there is a problem with the images. The posts which mention this are older. Is there now an easy way to use different images for each language, like for sliders?
I am not aware of any issue with images. Can you describe the problem?
For sliders, the solution would depend on what you are trying to achieve and how the slider works. If the slider is taking its images from custom fields that belong to custom posts, things would work very easily. WPML would use different posts, with different fields, per language, so they would naturally have their own images.
This really depends on how the slider is created and how it stores its images.
Hi Amir,
thank you for your reply. I have a software product in several languages and for example their screen shots display the text of the user interface – English, Chinese, German, Spanish – this text cannot be translated as text, I would have to use a different picture for each language, is there a way to use different images for each language?
I found these posts:
first one – from last year – says, that wpml doesn’t support images, next one has a solution. Is this the actual state? My aim is to use for each language own pictures.
Certainly. When you translate content with WPML, translations go into their own pages. These pages may include their own images, with captions and everything else. You can reuse the images from the original language, but you can also upload new images, per language.
I think that the forum question was about WPML extracting texts from images and then rebuilding them. This is not possible. However, if you take your own localized screenshots, you can upload them to the translated content without problem.
Hi Amir,
thank you for your answers, they are very helpful and have answered my final questions before using WPML.
Dear Sire/ Madam,
I am running my personal portfolio site with qTranslate now, but want to switch to WPML. Most of the extra functions of the CMS version are not useful for me. However I do want everything on my site translated. Mostly I’d like to know how much of the text within my theme and widgets I can translate with the blog version.
Thanks for you help!
The basic Blog version will let you translate menus, posts and pages. For other texts that don’t belong to any post, page or custom type, you will need the full CMS version. It includes the String Translation module that translates widgets and other texts in the WP admin which are not part of the posts table.
Thanks! Very clear! 🙂
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I would like to know to what extend I can translate themes and widgets with the blog version. Can I for instance translate the content of a widget (not the title) with the blog version?
To translate widgets, including their titles and texts, you will need the complete CMS package. It includes the String Translation module, which is necessary for translating texts that are outside of posts and pages.
I want to have multiple currencies for my webshop using e-commerce.
I dont really care for multilingual, Im just after the multicurrency.
So im wondering if wpml is a good solution for that? Im thinking that I’ll just leave all the translations in english and only enable the currency option, is that gonna work?
Which version of wpml do I need for that, the cms or is blog version enough?
You should be able to achieve this using WPML and our glue plugin WooCommerce Multilingual:
You don’t need to translate anything, but to keep different products in sync for different languages, you’ll probably need the Translation Management module, so you need to get the $79 Multilingual CMS package. Then, you can use the content duplication feature to have the same text in different languages, but actually in different products in the database.