Are Duplicated Translation pages are pointing to the english url for their Canonical. This is not the behavior we want. They should be self referencing is there a setting we can change or is this a bug.
Hello There,
Thanks for contacting WPML Support. I will try my best to assist you in this matter.
I completely can understand the matter. When you duplicate a post in other languages, all the contents, including the SEO-related information, will be copied from the default post to the duplicated post and a synchronization state will be created. As a result, the information on the translated post will appear the same as the original post until you break the synchronization.
As you have duplicated the French page from the English page, it is expected that the canonical URL of the English page will be copied to the French page and displayed there.
Now, this can be solved in two ways.
1) "Translating the duplicated pages independently": After duplicating a page in other languages, you'll have the option to translate the duplicated page independently. The process of Translating a duplicated page independently is described clearly in the documentation below.
After clicking on the "Translate independently" button, just make any small changes in the duplicated page and update the page. The canonical URL will be updated according to the language.
2) Adding the canonical URL manually for the duplicated post: Since you're using the Yoast SEO plugin, you can also update the canonical URL for the duplicated page in other languages. Kindly check this video(hidden link) to understand the overall process.
By following any of the ways mentioned above, you'll be able to update the canonical URL for the duplicated posts. Let me know if that helps or if you need further assistance in this matter. I will be happy to help you.