They have a feature called inline comments which requires a shortcode to be added to the text editor in Elementor in order to show a speech bubble in a paragraph where we can ask a question to the reader.
Even though the content appears for translation in the ATE the speech bubbles do not appear in the translated language.
So after a little research, it was found that we needed to register the shortcodes in XML - which we did.
Before deactivating all the plugins I thought I would first remove the shortcode registration and all started working fine again.
This is the code added to the XML config file:
Could you advise how/what to modify in order to get this to work correctly and not cause the Translation Update to get stuck?
Yes, this is correct - I removed the XML and the stuck issue no longer occurs.
(I did not disable the plugin).
This is in the original English version: hidden link
Once translated in Italian: hidden link
The code is in the first paragraph under the heading 1. La Spezia to Cinque Terre.
In English, the post displays a small green speech bubble which when clicked on; a comment field appears - as per the image attached.
In Italian it does not appear even though the "question" has been translated in ATE.
The "Question" does not appear in the ATE - I must search for it in the ATE and then it appears - much like searching HTTP for all URLS to appear (otherwise they don't all appear in the main part of the ATE)
(all strings related to the pop-up have also been translated in String Translation).
It looks like an compatibility issue, can you reach out to the plugin authors and ask if this inline comment feature supports multilingual, we can translate the questions using the shortcode, but it still doesn't appear so we will need to know if it works with multilingual website
I will be away for the next 8 days and may not have much internet access, so would you be able to extend the time I have to reply before the chat support closes?