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February 8, 2024

When you manually translate a post and its ACF fields in the WordPress editor, WPML’s ACF Multilingual (ACFML) shows you the original field values displayed as annotations beneath each custom field. If you prefer not to see these annotations, you can hide them.

ACF Multilingual lets you choose from different translation options for your field groups.

One of these is the Different fields across languages option, which lets you have different field values, a different number of fields, or different layout across languages. This requires you to translate the post and the custom fields manually using the native WordPress editor.

As you manually translate the post, ACFML shows you the original field value under each custom field. This aims to help you compare and translate content more accurately. 

An example of the original value field annotation

If your translation involves creating entirely different content for each language, these annotations might not be helpful. In this case, you can hide them by adding a dedicated ACFML constant to your site’s wp-config.php file: