Thank you for contacting us. I am happy to help you.
1) In order to expedite handling your support requests, can you please share WPML support debug information from your site.
- To give debug information, login to your site and go to WPML → Support. From there click on the “debug information” link at the bottom of the page.
- Once on the “debug information” page, select the entire content of the text box and copy it.
- Now go back to our support forum, find debug information box and paste it.
Betheme had its own settings for WPML. You can read more here :
hidden link
So if something from the above settings is not working for you, I would suggest contacting their support in order to guide you in their theme and what needs to be changed.
Other than that, if you wish to add your own functionality, you can always put your custom language swither in any place you wish, please read more here :