Our wait time is higher than usual, please make sure you are meeting the minimum requirement - https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements before you report issues, and if you can take a look at current Known Issues - https://wpml.org/known-issues/. Thank you.
Thank you for the information. I have encountered another issue. I cannot find the checkout translations in String Translation Management, specifically phrases like:
• “We'll use this email to send you details and updates about your order.”
• “Enter the address where you want your order delivered.”
I scanned all the Strings in the plugins from Theme and Plugin Localization, but I still cannot find these strings in String Translation.
1. Go to WPML → String Translation.
2. Enable the option to auto-register the strings.
3. Navigate to the page where the strings are untranslated.
4. Return to WPML → String Translation, disable the auto-registration option, and check if the text has been registered.
5. Translate the text.
Thank you for the suggestion. I followed the steps, and when I enter the sentence that I would like to translate into the search box, the search displays "no strings found."
Best regards,
I inserted the debug information. Regarding searching by sentence, these sentences are from the WooCommerce checkout page, and they came with WooCommerce; I did not write them. I have inserted an image of the checkout page and the sentences that cannot be found in the string translation search box.
Best regards,
We recommend for now using WooCommerce shortcodes instead of blocks for those pages to resolve this issue. Here’s how to do it:
1. Edit the Cart and Checkout pages in WordPress.
2. Replace the WooCommerce blocks with the following shortcodes:
- For the Cart Page: [woocommerce_cart]
- For the Checkout Page: [woocommerce_checkout]
3. Save your changes.
4. Navigate to WPML → String Translation, and scan the .mo files for WooCommerce.
5. Translate the strings as needed.
You also need to update your WPML plugin and add-ons to the latest version, 4.7.1, to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and improvements.
You can check the latest released versions under "My Account -> Downloads" on this site. Instructions to update can be found here: http://wpml.org/faq/install-wpml/
If you do not see the updates, you might need to click the Check for updates button in the Plugins → Add New Plugin → Commercial tab.
Please remember to backup your database before you proceed.
Thank you! Your solution fixed the problem, and now the Cart and Checkout pages are showing in String Translations.
However, I am now facing a new problem with my WooCommerce Shop page. The Estonian Shop page is missing, and there are two Shop pages in English. Also, when I try to access my Shop page, it shows a 500 Internal Server Error.
Here's what I did:
I removed the Shop page translation in English.
Switched back to Estonian, edited the page, changed the default language to English, and saved the page.
Translated the page to Estonian.
Could you please let me know how I can fix this problem?
Thank you!
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