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This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

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This topic contains 24 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by victoriaK-4 19 hours, 26 minutes ago.

Assisted by: Andreas W..

Author Posts
September 27, 2024 at 5:28 am #16228058


Hi Andreas,

CAn you tell me which product you managed to update so that the woocommerce multilingual description ? and the process to update?

September 27, 2024 at 5:53 am #16228076

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

You named the following examples:

urban bikepack black
urban briefcase toffee
urban breifcase balck
city bikepack xl blue

On some of those translations, the WPML Translation Editor is opening, which is unexpected since the products are set to use the WordPress Editor.

Each original content has a setting for its translation method inside the right sidebar of the WordPress Editor. You can choose between WPML Translation Editor or WordPress Editor as a translation method. It is not possible to use both methods simultaneously.

I solved this issue by opening all the translated products on the WordPress Editor and saving them.

Now, if you open the translation, the WordPress Editor will open as expected.

Is this what you were trying to achieve?

September 27, 2024 at 6:07 am #16228144


HI Andreas,

Thanks for your reply.

So If i understand you correctly. I will not be able to use the woocommerce multilingual translation if the wordpress editor is chosen for the products. But it does work for all products expect the ones i had used the elementor editor on.

If I take the urban Bikepack black for example . After an update of the product there is still no content description in the woocommerce multilingual. I would like to use the multilingual for the translation of images , Do I need to switch to the wmpl editor then , and if i do that will the wordpress editor disappear. I read that switching to wpml edtior, i will need to add in the translated product again. Since this is a staging site , do you recommend I test that. and what is best practice, I am trying to understrand also if our developer has advised us incorrectly.

September 27, 2024 at 6:13 am #16228149


And I guess part of the issue is that if I use the woocommerce multilingual to translate the images, and choose save - since the content section of the product is miising in the backend like the image i sent now then with saving - the content decription disappears on the front end. so therefor I cannot update the translations in the woocommerce multilingul properly without having issues on the front end.
How can Iget the decription back into the woocommerce mutliingual?

September 27, 2024 at 6:33 am #16228190



I tested to make one product use the wpml editor - Luna reflective Gloves DOT - the issue in the back end of the woocommerce multilingual persists.

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Skärmbild 2024-09-27 082937.png
September 27, 2024 at 7:33 am #16228633

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

You can use any translation you wish to use but you need to make sure to keep using the same method.

There are two translation methods:

1) WPML Translation Editor
2) WordPress Editor

The translation method is set on the right sidebar of the WordPress Editor on the original product.

What do you mean with:

"After an update of the product there is still no content description in the woocommerce multilingual."

Do you mean the WPML Translation Editor?

Please send me another screenshot displaying this issue.

September 27, 2024 at 8:16 am #16228766


Hi Andreas,

So the big issue for me is that using either translation method. WPML - Translation or the WordPress editor - the content description tab has disappeared for certain products in the woocommmerce multilingual editor.
I sent 2 pictures in my last reply - I had changed 1 product to use the wpml editor to test - whether the content description tab then shows in the back end of the multilingual editor.
For all the products that i used elementor editor instead of the wordpress editor on the products page, after switching back to the wordpress editor - those content decription tabs are missing form the multilingual editor - therefor - if i translate the images and save - the content disappears from the product page - wordpress editor.
Do you understand the issue? Attaching some images for you again.

September 27, 2024 at 8:30 am #16228900


First image - Urban Bikepack black - you see the product description in the wordpress editor on the product page - wordpress editor is chosen.
picture 2) Urban Bikepack black in the woocommerce mulit currency multilingual translator - Content descritpion tab is missing from en and FR translations as well as de, sv. If i then save this translation the product description text disappears from the front end.
I need to use the mulitlingual tranlsator for images, but Icannot save because when i do the product text disappers from the front end due to no content tab being avalaible in the multiingual for these products that used elementor editor on the product page.

Now in the urban bikepack black I have saved the translations in the multilingual editior and then when i go bakc to the actual product page - the proidcut description has disappeared from the product page and is no longer available on the front end.

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Skärmbild 2024-09-27 101717.png
September 27, 2024 at 3:39 pm #16230572

Andreas W.

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

We do not offer a "woocommmerce multilingual editor".

You must refer to the WPML Translation Editor. WPML comes with two editors:

1) Classic Translation Editor:

2) Advanced Translation Editor:

What you see on your screenshot is the Classic Translation Editor.

Also, on your third screenshot you see that in the right sidebar on the WordPress Editor, on the original product, the WordPress-Editor is set as translation method.

If you want to use the Classic Translation Editor, you need to the translation method on the original product to "WPML Translation Editor".

Then, edit the original product, save it again and open the Classic Translation Editor.

In case this does not solve the issue, please let me know.

September 28, 2024 at 7:58 am #16231720


Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your reply and clarifications.

I have now made the product Luna reflective gloves Dot - to use the wpml translator and saved the product to test if the description tab in the classic translaion editor reappears. But still there is no description tab available for translating the description on the classic translation editor and saving the translation has deleted the text from the wordpress product page leaving no decription there or in the front end.

And in my last message you see that if I save the content in the classic translation edtior when there is no description tab ( like i did with the product urban bikepack black) then the content is deleted and disappears from the wordpress editor and the front end and there is still no tab for description in the classic editor.

There for to restate the issue I am having is that there is no decription tab in the classic translation editor for certain products. If i therefor save the content in the classic editor it deletes the translation in the wordpress editor, and no description tab reappears int he classic translation editor.

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