Yes, this says that you can not use this site to get the code, as it has an active susbscription for Pay-As-You-Go.
In this case you would need to go to the other site (Live site), which does not have an active subscription, to get the code and then connect it to the staging site.
Wow, confusing indeed. Anyhow, I just tried it out. Everything worked out, except, when I paste it, is simply leave it blank. What gives? Is it a Safari browser issue?
Okay, I just tried it all on Google Chrome, and everything worked without a hitch. Why didn't tell me it didn't work on Safari? Am I the only one using Safari?
After all this, the issue about losing my translations is still occurring. At least on the Alarm Services Signup page. I will soon find out home many pages have this same issue. It appears to be mostly the image text translations that are affected the most.
My apologies, I am not an Apple user and I was not aware of this issue.
I will investigate today if such issue was reported already and create an escalation ticket, if needed.
For the missing translation, could you please name me the permalink (url) of the page where the issue occurs, so that I can compare the old translations on our system?
Take note, that the Advanced Translation Editi will always delete translated segments, if the original content for this segment was edited.
I have reset those pages in staging, and deployed the staging to production once again.
Upon accessing in Safari I got the same dialog box as shown in the snapshot below. The issue in Safari is when I click on the button "copy migration code", it does not bring it into the clipboard.
Everything works via Google Chrome, I get the "You're All Set" box, but upon clicking on the "Close" button, the same dialog box as shown below comes right back. And when I click on the Continue button, I get stuck at an error box (see the second snapshot below).