I am trying to setup WPML with my multi-tld-domain server which has .fr, .mx, de, .etc all pointing to the same public_html directory. However, this seems to bug out WPML in multiple ways:
1.) Multiple warnings about licensing issues
2.) Invalid domain notice when selecting a domain per language
3.) 900%+ CPU when plugin is toggled on
I am willing to give someone server access, backend access, whatever it takes. We are migrating from Translatepress to WPML due to capability and performance issues without or complex Global Website.
1. Parked domain (alias) for all you secondary domains
2. Test it and see if you get the exact same content (site) without any redirection
3. Setup WPML and use the "Validate on save" option to confirm that your configuration is correct
A common mistake is to have all domains installed on your server. You should only have the main domain. Don't even create a folder for the other ones.