Background of the issue:
I am trying to switch the languages on my website to English, Spanish, or French. The issue can be seen on this page: hidden link
When I switch the languages, the widget of the product categories doesn't appear, creating an empty section on the page. Normally, I expect to see my product categories translated, but they remain empty.
Why doesn't the widget of the product categories appear when I switch languages?
How can I ensure that my product categories are translated correctly?
When you have the staging site ready, please proceed with the following.
I suspect that there is a collision with the theme or another plugin that might cause this problem. If possible, get your site into a minimum environment, Which means switching to a default WordPress theme like TwentyTwenty-One and having no plugins activated except WPML.
First, you must check if the problem persists when just the theme is switched to TwentyTwenty-One (for example). You are using the Hello theme from Elementor so you can stay with this theme. If it persists, deactivate all plugins except the WPML, its add-ons, and Elementor itself (without its extensions). Then please check if the problem persists. If it does not continue, start by activating the plugins individually, check when the problem comes back, and then report which plugin was the culprit.
**** Important! Please make a full site backup (files and DB) before you proceed with those steps****
*** If your site is live, you might want to try those procedures in a staging environment or a snapshot of your site on your local server or another server. ***
during the day I will create a new test site where I'll follow your suggestion.
I'll backt to you as soon as possible when I tried every step you suggest.
so here we are:
- I tried to create a copy of the website and ?'ve done all the purpose that you suggest but without good result.
- I tried to create a new page, with new custom "product category widget" (a little bit different as the one published on the live website) created and published. After that I translated this new page in all the languages, also here the product category widget doesn't appear. Only in italian version is visibile.
Any other suggestion about this issue?
Is really crazy why "only" di widget wouldn't appear in the other languages.
I tried also to create other product widget and they appear, but not the product category.
Can you please share access to your staging site with me so I can continue checking things there?
If you need further help with this, please share the access details to your site with me.
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- - Please backup the site files and database before providing us access. --
-- If you have a staging site where the problem can be reproduced, it is better to share access to the staging site.--