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This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

Everyone can read, but only WPML clients can post here. WPML team is replying on the forum 6 days per week, 22 hours per day.

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Subash Chandra Poudel 1 year, 11 months ago.

Assisted by: Subash Chandra Poudel.

Author Posts
October 8, 2022 at 12:33 pm #12205989


Hi there, before we turn on translate everything I have some questions:

1. We use feedzy to import some of our content. Would automatically imported posts being translated too?

2. When we turn on translate everything, what would happen with posts already on the site and only available in English? Would these also be translated automatically in in hindsight?
We would not want such action as we have content that was translated by professional translators. Also, we fear that all posts would show with the updated time and date and not the original date and time. As this is a news site, we don't want this and would need to make sure that no old posts are touched when turning on "translate everything"

3. What would happen when we reach out translation credit limit -> would jobs then be halted and can we re-start them when we bought more credits?

4. Lastly - as we are using WPML on a multisite environment: Can you confirm that when we do not have the plugin network activated, that it only starts the function on the site we activate it for but not the other sites in the multisite environment?

Thanks for your feedback

October 10, 2022 at 1:10 pm #12213957

Subash Chandra Poudel

Hi Sven,

I am Subash and I will try to help you here.

> 1. We use feedzy to import some of our content. Would automatically imported posts being translated too?

Whether the imported post can be automatically translated or not depends on how the feedzy plugin works. The plugin is not listed in our list of compatible plugins at which means the plugin is not tested by our team. But this does not mean the plugin is not compatible with WPML. The only way to confirm if it works or not is to do a test at your end.

> 2. When we turn on translate everything, what would happen with posts already on the site and only available in English? Would these also be translated automatically in in hindsight?

When you enable Translate Everything for "Translation Mode" from WPML -> Settings , you can select between the options to "Only automatically translate new content." or "Automatically translate all of my existing content right now, plus new content as I create it."

However, if you edit and update any existing content that is not yet translated and if you havce translate everything mode enabled it will automatically translate that content.

> Also, we fear that all posts would show with the updated time and date and not the original date and time.

You can enable " Copy publishing date to translations" from WPML -> Settings page in "Posts and pages synchronization" to make sure the Publish date of translated content is syncronized with the original content.

>3. What would happen when we reach out translation credit limit -> would jobs then be halted and can we re-start them when we bought more credits?

Yes, if you reach the translation credit limit the jobs will be halted and when you add more credits the translation jobs will work again.

> Can you confirm that when we do not have the plugin network activated, that it only starts the function on the site we activate it for but not the other sites in the multisite environment?

You can network activate or activate WPML plugin individually in each subsites in any case WPML will handle each subsite as a different site and each subsite will have it's own settings and automatic translation accounts.


October 10, 2022 at 1:34 pm #12214267


Many thanks Subash for the comprehensive repsonse.
We will try things out with Feedzy and see if it works.

With regards to point 2:

Can we start with translate only new content and later if everything works still translate te entire page and all previous posts? (Can we change the settings afterwards and let WPML still translate everything when we only had activated new content)

Thanks for clarifying

October 10, 2022 at 3:02 pm #12214619

Subash Chandra Poudel

Hi Sven,

Sure, you can start with translating only new content, and later if everything works, send pre-existing content to Automatic Translation from Translation Management ( WPML -> Translation Management ) as explained in the next link:


October 10, 2022 at 3:07 pm #12214699

Hi Subash.

many thanks will check this,

However, now we are running in even more severe problems before that,
We have now just activated WPML on our second page of the multisite.
We can use shared advanced translation editor and all other functionality seems to work.

We are facing issues with:

- Importing of translated. content
- Global HEaders and Footers in Newspaper Theme

We are just starting with the translation and I wanted to make sure that some of our imotant articles are translated by professional translators first. Only then I want to activate full site translation for all new content.

But this seems not to work correctly for the above.

Could you please have a look at this and help us?


October 10, 2022 at 3:13 pm #12214721


Just to add, it seems that the problem with the imported content happens on post which we had previously automatically translated.

We then send the translations (which we did before automatically) to the professional service.
Now the fetching seems always to show the automatic versions not the translated version.
There seems to be a glitch in this import.

With regards with headers and footers:

We can see the translations but it seems when a post opens that something is going wrong fetching it correctly.

Original site is here you can check articles

Here is a translated article. you can see the wrong header and footer, But the translated ones are actually available in the theme and also in WordPress.
hidden link

original article EN
hidden link

October 10, 2022 at 5:11 pm #12215221

Subash Chandra Poudel

Hi Sven,

Please note we try to handle only one issue per ticket to better keep track of issues and stay on the same page and avoid confusion when working on multiple issues.

Since the two new issues, Head & Footer and Importing content are not related to the original issue/queries in this ticket I have split this ticket into two more tickets linked next:

Let's follow up regarding the issues in the split tickets. Please mark this ticket as resolved if your original queries are answered now.


This ticket is now closed. If you're a WPML client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.