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Hello there,
Welcome to WPML support forum.
Have you tried the following:
- Go under "WPML -> Theme and plugins localization".
- Scroll down to "Strings in the theme" and click on "Scan the theme for strings".
- Once you followed the above steps go under "WPML -> String Translation". All strings available for translation should display in the table you see there.
Do you see them? If yes, all you need to do is click on "translations" next to each string you want to translate and enter + save your translations.
I'm taking over this ticket and I will be glad to help you.
Please try the following steps:
1. Go to WPML > String Translation.
2. Search for the string
3. A drop down called "Can’t find the strings you’re looking to translate?" will appear.
4. Expand it and select "WordPress"
5. Click "Scan translation files"
6. Search for the string again