Dear Support,
I want to make a Currency Switcher Widget with the euro currency in it
See my testpage: hidden link
The subtotal should be for example € 87,00
Visiters can then see the other currency in the download.
The shortcode I have made is:
[currency_switcher format="%code% (%symbol%) %subtotal%"]
Is it possible to change the subtotal into a valuta olr someting lik that?
I understand what you're looking for. Kindly be informed that the "Subtotal" attribute is obsolete and will no longer work with the currency switcher shortcode. Therefore, displaying the converted subtotal with different currencies using the language switcher shortcode will not be possible at the moment.
But, Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I will discuss this matter further with the team and see if they have any plans for it. I will surely let you know if there is any update for you.
Please let me know if there is anything else you need help with. I will be happy to assist you.