Thank you for contacting WPML Support. The design Sync issue usually happens when there are page options given that are not Sync. So, please follow the below steps and let me know how it goes:
1. Please open the default and secondary language page in edit mode and make sure the same page options are selected.
2. If the same page options are not selected then please go to WPML >> Settings > Custom Fields Translation section and search for that field and set it to Copy and press the Save button.
3. After that, please re-save the default language page’s to copy the field settings into the translation.
If the issue still persists, please try to follow the below steps:
1. The current WP Memory Limit on your site is 40MB. The WP memory limit needs to be increased, it's different from PHP memory. PHP memory is fine but WordPress uses 40MB as default in your site. The minimum requirements for WPML are 128MB:
Please add this line to your wp-config.php file to increase WP memory, wp-config.php file is located in the root of your WP install:
You can add it anywhere in your file. I recommend placing it right before the following line:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
2. We have recently released WPML 4.6.13, please take a backup of your site and update it to the latest version. You can update it from Plugins >> Add New page, click the Commercial tab, and then click the “Check for updates” button. Here is the screenshot for more details:
3. Please make sure you are using the latest version of theme and other plugins on your site.
4. Please clear all sorts of site/server/CDN cache and see if this resolves the issue.
Please let me know the results,
Thank you
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