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38,754 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

    • I’m not sure, as we haven’t tested WPML with that theme. We have a theme-compatibility team who is reviewing different themes and working with the theme authors to ensure compatibility. We can do this work if the theme author is available and can participate in this review. Would you like to ask the theme author if he is interested?

      If so, refer them to our Go Global project and we will take it from there:

  1. Hi there,
    I would like to translate my page from Spanish to English. the backoffice is already in english and thats fine. I want a simple 2 flag system (English/Spanish flags at top of screen) and i want the option to manually translate the information in the menus/pages/posts/widgets/and SEO. I have recently used Joomfish on a joomlah website and this is the type of plugin that I’m looking for. Please advise if your plugin is going to work for me and if the basic pack is enough, or if i need to the advanced.
    the main concern is that I want all info front end to be translated upon the change of flag, and I if the translation is automatic, I would like the option to manually change the wording according to my own words.
    Many thanks.

    • The purpose of WPML is to allow you to run multilingual sites with WordPress, so it’s just right for what you’re describing.

      You can set the WordPress admin to either Spanish or English and it doesn’t depend on the front-end language.

      WPML doesn’t do any sort of automated translation. It’s a tool that lets you translate your content yourself. Have a look here for different ways you can translate with WPML:

  2. Does WPML use cookies to show translated versions? (probably not because you can view content on different domains > but to be sure I ask it).

    Kind regards,


  3. If I have to deal with one target-country, for example Belgium. They speak Dutch and French.

    When I have ‘’. Should I just choose what my main language is and for the other language make it like ‘’.

    Or should I use:

    … and redirect ‘’ to one of them?

    Kind regards,


  4. Hi there

    I am looking to purchase this plugin for a website I’m developing:

    I have a few questions I need answering before buying:

    1.) Is it compatible with the Bolder WordPress theme? See

    2.) We have had most of the current pages translated into perfect Italian by an employee. However, some of the content (for example: the blog posts – has not been translated. So how would the plugin handle this? I.e. being able to use our Italian translated copy for some of the pages/posts but also being able to use the default Italian language pack for the others.

    3.) How does it handle custom doc/post types?- for example: We use the plugin Catablog for our product listings –

    Thanks for your help


    • 1. WPML works fine with most themes. I can’t tell about this theme, as we haven’t tested it (there are so many). We would be very happy to review it together with the theme author. As their client, can you make the introduction?

      Tell the theme author that we are very interested in reviewing compatibility together. If they can work on this with us, they should go to our Go Global page:

      We will work together with the theme author and make sure that everything is compatible and configured correctly.

      2. For the untranslated blog posts, you can choose to either only display Italian posts in your blog, or have WPML show the English posts when they are not translated. As soon as you translate a post, it will appear in the Italian blog, instead of the untranslated English.

      3. WPML works fine with custom content types. You can choose which custom content types to translate and also how to handle custom fields.

      Does this help?

      I have removed your email from your original comment to prevent it from being crawled and abused by spammers.

    • Thanks for the reply… Its much appreciated.

      Still slightly confused on point 2.

      2. For the untranslated blog posts, you can choose to either only display Italian posts in your blog, or have WPML show the English posts when they are not translated. As soon as you translate a post, it will appear in the Italian blog, instead of the untranslated English.

      Does it not automatically translate a post/page for you? Do you have to enter a custom translation for each page/post then?

      I was under the impression that it came with 40 language packs a standard, but you could also customise this on a given page or post….

  5. With your plugin am I able to direct prospects to different URLs based on their language.

    For example let’s say I have Special Offer and I want:
    1. English customers to be directed to URL 1 (when they click)
    2. German customers to be directed to URL 2 (when they click)
    3. Japanese customers to be directed to URL 3 (when they click)

    In my mind I see this as a problem because each url would have to be hardcoded differently. BUT, I do not want to clutter up the website with 3 different pages for each offer. I’m hoping you guys have crossed this bridge before and already have a solution.

    The bigger picture: I’m looking to use one URL to drive traffic from several countries.

    What are your thoughts? Ideas?

    Thank You,

    Jerry Romine

    • WPML supports browser language detection. When people first arrive at your site, you can have WPML redirect them to their preferred language, as set by their browser.

      If you are talking about people who are already on your site and following links, they should always go to the correct language. Each content in different languages will have its own URL. You should like to the content in the current language to keep visitors in the correct language.

      Can you describe where you are showing these offers? Normally, you would link to pages in the same language, so I’m wondering where you are sending this traffic from.

      So, it really depends where you are sending this traffic. If it’s offsite, the browser language redirect will help. If it’s from within your same site, I would like to understand more.

  6. Hi,

    Im building a “geotheme” site in Spain and need to have multi language options.

    Have you had any issues with geotheme – do you know if this works well with the theme.

    Thanks for your help


    • Your MySQL server should be fine. We’re not using any specific MySQL features. Everything that WPML does goes through the WordPress DB API, so if other things work for you on MySQL 5.0, WPML will be fine with it.

      We haven’t checked this theme with WPML. If you like, we would be very happy to review it together with the theme author. If the theme author can spend a bit of work with us, please refer them to our Go Global program:

    • Sorry, I haven’t noticed your question about a network. You don’t need to setup a network. WPML puts all languages in a single WordPress install. You just activate it on your existing site and start adding languages.

    • Yes, you can use WPML for English and Arabic sites. WPML itself is also fully localized to Arabic, in case you’re using it in the WordPress admin.

    • Not fully. WPML works well with their theme, but it seems that much of the functionality in the theme comes from their plugin, which they haven’t made compatible with WPML. We would be happy to continue working with YooTheme on complete compatibility with their plugin, but it will require a bit of attention from them.

  7. Hello

    I saw the SEO by Yoast is fully compatible with WPML.
    How will it work exactly for the title and the description of my website if i have it in 3 different languages (i’m talking about the title and main description that appear on a google search etc.), is there a way to have the french title and description in and for the french, spanish title and description for, etc. and latinos vistiors ?

    Will it have an impact on seo ?

    My main website will be english then it will be (for french speakers) (for spanish speakers)


    • If the site uses a page as homepage, you will translate the title of that page when editing the pages in the different languages. If it’s the ‘blog’, you will see the website title and description available for translation in WPML’s String Translation admin page.

      Yes, a good title has a very big impact on SEO. Having correctly translated titles will greatly improve your search engine positioning.

  8. With this system, is it possible to have some posts translated and others not appear at all? For example, let’s say our organization announces an event in New York (in English). We wouldn’t want this post to appear for our French visitors because they wouldn’t care about that event, but perhaps the next post is a general announcement (perhaps we won an ward for example) about our organization so we would provide a translation about that.

    So to reiterate: does WPML allow us to show translated versions of some posts but hide other ones altogether for certain languages?

    • Yes. Normally, WPML would only show content that is in the current language. When you write content in English, it wouldn’t appear in French (for example). You can have the same content appear in all languages, but this is something that you specifically control. Is this what you meant?

  9. I tried posting this question earlier but it seems to have disappeared.

    We would like to know if WPML supports selective translations whereby we can translate certain posts but leave out others. For example, if we want to write about an event we’re having in the USA, we would not want French visitors to see that post in any language because it’s not relevant to them. But other posts, like the announcement of an award, we would want to translate into French.

    So the question is, can WPML be used to translate certain posts but keep others ‘hidden’ for some languages?

  10. I would like to serve two different streams of content through an email auto responder, depending on the language preference of a subscriber. The language preference is captured when they register. Do you have experience with different auto responder plugins, in terms of their compatibility with WPML?
    Many thanks!

    • We haven’t tested WPML with different auto-responder plugins, mainly because we use our own code on User accounts have their preferred language (stored as usermeta fields). We read them and use to load the emails in the correct language. I’m sure that this logic is easily added to different email responder plugins. If the author of the plugin that you use would like, we would be very happy to work with them together and help add this functionality.

      You can check if they are interested. If so, they can go to our Go Global program page:

      We will work with them until it’s all working and then promote it to our clients in WPML blog. I’m sure that this extra exposure will more than compensate the author of the auto responder plugin for the time invested in this work.

  11. Hello!

    I have a request that is (I think) somewhat unusual. My client wishes to have an English site with a multilingual “sub-site”. This “sub-site” would consist of a few Pages with a special Template assigned to them, and will be translated to 20-or-so languages.

    Is is possible to set up WPML to be used only for a subset of Pages in WordPress? It seems to me this is mostly wp-admin issue of activating the WPML magic only for certain Pages. Is there some hook that could be used? Or is there another way?


    • I’m not exactly sure what this subsite means for you. When you activate WPML, it adds language information to all the content in your site. You can translate whatever you need and keep the rest just in one language.

      If you want to display a language switcher only for parts of the site, you can do this with a tiny logic that you can write. You can add WPML’s language switcher manually to the theme using a single line of PHP. Put your logic around that line to determine where it should display.

      For completely different look per language, I advice to do this using different CSS files. A completely different theme will probably complicate things for you considerably. You can achieve very different looks with different CSS files. This would be easy to implement.

      Does this help?

      • Hi Amir!

        Thanks for the reply.

        I know I can translate *everything*. That’s the point – I would like to setup WPML so that translation only works for, say, ten specific Pages and for nothing else. This is 100% a wp-admin thing. Is that possible?

        The point being: when editing anything else then those ten Pages, I (i.e. client or WP users) don’t want to see (or “be able to”) translate it. Only those ten Pages should be “translatable”.

        In another words: is it possible (through PHP somehow) to display WPML metaboxes (and other UI extensions) **only** when editing some designated Pages and nowhere else?


    • You don’t need to create an account. Go to our ‘buy’ page and buy from there. At the end of the purchase process, you will receive your account login.

    • You can certainly install WPML on multi-site environments and can activate it either as a Network plugin, or per child site. WPML is a WordPress plugin. We don’t have a similar Joomla product.

  12. Hello, one pre-sales question I have: Once I have WPML installed, configured, and the whole site translated, … would it be easy in the future if I were to change my website’s theme? In other words, would all the WMPL and translations be maintained, or would I need to do extra work?

    I am currently running Thesis 1.8, however they lost me with the new 2.0, so I do not plan to use it in the long run, and will eventually change themes. That said, I don’t really want to do it now, and am hoping to start using WMPL on the current site, then switch themes when I do a full re-design down the road. But I want to assess whether or not this would mean any extra work involved w/ regards to WMPL, or if it would really make more sense to just change off of Thesis now, to a new theme. Your feedback appreciated. Thanks

    • Normally, themes are unrelated to content. WPML stores translations in the standard WordPress posts, meta and taxonomy tables. When you switch the theme, if it will look correctly in the default language, it should look fine also in the translated languages.

      If you’re looking to migrate from Thesis, I also suggest that you have a look at our Toolset plugins:

      This may allow you to rebuild your sites in a more flexible way. You should be able to build everything that Thesis offers, but without any of the new constraints. Of course, our Toolset plugins work seamlessly with WPML.

      Anyway, to your question, theme changes have very little to do with translations.

      Does this help?

    • Hello again, thanks for your reply about Autofocus. I’m afraid that author of my theme will not have time to test theme with you. In that case what do you recommend? If I purchase plug-in and then it will not work will I get a refund? Is there any chance for you to see if any of your customers use WPML with AUtofocus or check the theme without an author?
      I would hate to make all the changes and then find out it doesn’t work.
      Thank you for any help with that.

      • We offer refunds for WPML for whatever reason. If you buy it and it doesn’t work with your theme, or any other thing that you need, you can always get your money back.

        I’ve seen some sites built with Autofocus, but I don’t know if they had any problems and had to make any compromises on the way. I think that the major things are OK and I’m not sure if everything that the theme does works well on multilingual sites.

        Does this help?

        • Honestly, I can’t tell. It’s too bad that the theme author cannot spend any time on this with us. Our theme compatibility program is usually attractive for theme authors. We all spend a little work on it. Then, we write about WPML compatible theme in our blog and add to the theme compatibility page. This usually brings in quite a bit of traffic to the theme author, easily compensating for the little work involved in this review.

          We cannot do this process without cooperation of the theme author. Our developers will spend considerable time reviewing everything and mapping any compatibility issues. We only start this process when we know that this effort will be put to good use and the theme author will review our suggestions.

  13. Hello,

    I am about to purchase the WPML plugin for my website. But I have two questions I would like to get clear before I do, to avoid unnecessary hassle.

    – Is the plugin (as top toolbar widget) also compatible with the TrueThemes “Karma” theme? (I read here their “Sterling” theme is).

    – My website is build-up only by Pages and Menus coming out of the Karma theme. Does the “Multilingual Blog $29” version support multilanguage support for both my use of Pages and the theme’s Menus the way I use it?

    Thanks in advance,
    Marcel de Cocq.

    • It was compatible before, now there’s a problem that the theme admin texts don’t appear under string translation. It will take 1-2 days to make it compatible again. I’ll update you once it’s compatible.

      Multilingual Blog version supports Pages and Menus, but it doesn’t include String Translation plugin so you will not be able to translate the theme admin texts such as – home title, home description, home keywords and other general strings. Comparison of features is there

    • Hello,

      I was wondering if there was already news about the compatibility of the WPML plugin and the TrueThemes “Karma” theme? I was told it could take a few days to make the plugin compatible again?

      When it will work with the Karma theme again, I would like to purchase the plugin.

      Thanks in advance,
      Marcel de Cocq.

      • Sorry for not being precise enough, but one of my friend who has an ancient version, it states :
        A different domain per language This option is not yet available for Multisite installs

        if i have an install with

        ancient version of WPML will it not work, does the new version does as in multisite language switcher ?

        thanks ,

        • Yes, that’s something that’s nearly complete, but not available yet. It’s a big mess with how WP Multisite works. The rewrite logic is pretty complex and it’s still not working for us. If you’re using Multisite, you can use languages in directories, but not in different domains.

          We should have this soon, but not in the upcoming 2.8 release.

  14. hi, i need to know if this will work with Classipress.

    i want to have Greek & English only., and a quick drop down menu for the visitors to select upon arrival to the site.

    also will it work with other classified sites? as this is the crucial ingredient to choosing my compatible theme.


    • We’ve been having some progress with ClassiPress developers, but WPML and their themes are still not 100% compatible. They are working on a bridge plugin that will take care of things. I’m not sure about the status, but it’s not production-ready.

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