Most of the exact similar type of content was already translated successfully in this staging website using the exact same procedue (some hundred instances), so I am not sure, why just a few are not accessible anymore.
Can you try sending the content to translation again? It won't use up any of your credits, since the translations will be coming from the Translation Memory.
If this does not work, I would like to take a look for myself and see if I can spot the problem.
I have set your next reply to be private so you can share credentials there.
Remember that it is always better to create a new admin user for me, then when we are done you can delete it.
If this didn't help or you can't see them in "Translation management", create a full backup and go to the post type list in your WP dashboard (e.g. Pages > All Pages) then switch the language from the top admin bar and check if those posts are set as drafts.
If yes, you can select those translations and use the bulk actions dropdown to Edit/Publish them at once.
I would like to have access to your WordPress admin to take a look for myself.
I may need to:
- Activate/deacativate plugins
- Change general settings
If there is anything which you do not allow me to do, please make sure to mention it.
Please make sure to have a working backup of your site before proceeding.
I have set your next reply to be private so you can share credentials there.
Remember that it is always better to create a new admin user for me, then when we are done you can delete it.