[Escalated to WPML Developers team] ACF repeater synchronization issue
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After chat I had yesterday with Shekhar Bhandari I am posting screenshots with explanations.
Screenshot 001.png
I have added a row in this position of the repeater fields for adding Annual Reports.
Screenshot 002.png
You can notice how the translations are shifted. The translations are in Macedonian but you can see that the years so you can understand that they are messed up. First of all I have added only one row, why in the translations other rows checkboxes "Translation is complete" are deselected? Why already done translations are set as not translated. I had to fix all these fields manually.
Screenshot 003.png
Some of the fields are textareas and some are textfields, don't know why is this happening? What is causing this?
Screenshot 004.png
On the page I am first adding monthly reports and than anual ones. In translations the order is not ok, everything is messed up, first you can notice monthly ones in some weird order, than followed by the anual ones and in the end you are getting more of the monthly reports, why there is no precise order of the translations?
I have reported several issues with this repeater fields together with the screenshots, I hope you will understand me now, this is a problem that is really making me lots of problems, I hope you will find some solution for this.
Thanks for your answer. Anyway, I really need someone to try and find a solution to this problem, it's a really serious one. The link that you sent will help me anyhow, but I don't understand why the problem with repeater fields shuffling it's not solved till now. Many people are using ACF repeater field and there must be some solution for this. I will wait for an answer so please don't close this thred.
It's been a month since this has gone in the second level of support, still don't have any update, can you please let me know what is happening? I really need some solution on this problem, I already sent you screenshots and I explained the problem in details.
Best wishes, Klime.