Hi, i uses wpallimport to import product-data.
Within a second run i try to import translated products but there might be a problem with the categories (customer deliver different spellings) so the system do not fit them together as source and tanslated data.
We correct all the categories and like to transfer the second article as a translation. We try to import again but system did'nt fix this.
Is there a way to use maybe SKU to generate translations after importing?
Is there a possibility to reorder the second import articles as a translation to the first one?
I am afraid if you are asking if there is a way to import translation to existing products, I am afraid there is no such way. Since default language import and 2nd language import need to be connected and use the same unique identifier value.
In your case, you would need to delete default language products, re-import them as per our docs, then import 2nd language products correctly so they are connected properly. Before that category and any taxonomy need to be already created and translated.