Languages: English (English )Spanish (Español )German (Deutsch )
Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)
Technically, if you call a field in ACF using get_field('field_name') it is logical the the same field name should not be used more than once.
I can not tell why some fields seem to work and others not (could be the translation memory), only I can confirm that same field names can lead to fields not showing up on ATE and I have mentioned this earlier on this ticket.
Languages: English (English )Spanish (Español )German (Deutsch )
Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)
From our ACF documentation:
Make sure each of the custom fields across your different field groups has a unique Field Name. If you use the same Field Name with more than one custom field, you may not see all your field values available for translation in the Advanced Translation Editor.
If you check WPML > Settings > Custom Field Translation, you will see that each field is registered with its name. If the same field exists more than once, we can not controle it from here.
That's not true for blocks. It's valid for post types, custom templates, etc. If you are using block, you can use the same field name in different blocks. Blocks works as an object, that's why you can use the same block in the same page several times without affecting anything.
Languages: English (English )Spanish (Español )German (Deutsch )
Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)
After reviewing your field groups closely I have to admit, that there are way too many fields that need to get adjusted. All your fields have general names like, title, content, style, button, etc.
Take kindly note, that if you agree to changing all the filed names of all your ACF Groups to make sure that they use the same field name, in order to test if this solves the issue, then we need to ask you to run this task yourself.
It is strictly stated on our documentation that each field name should be unique.
Our support is not supposed to adjust any ACF Field Group settings for you, as we usually do not have that much time. We handle too many requests and other tasks to do such favors for every customer.
Further, please take note that each chat and support ticket on should handle only one issue. If you expereince various issues, even if they are related to the same plugin, we need to ask you to open one chat or ticket for each request.
Languages: English (English )Spanish (Español )German (Deutsch )
Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)
As I mentioned earlier, we have already a development taks for ACF Blocks containing Group Fields. In such Groups the translation preference settings is currently not respected.