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Last updated by danieleD-46 6 months ago.

Assisted by: Bobby.

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May 10, 2023 at 6:26 pm #13626133


Languages: English (English )

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles (GMT-07:00)

Thank you the video was quite helpful to our team.

There is a known issue that our team is working on with sending such a quantity of jobs via the Translation Management Dashboard -> Bulk Auto Translate feature.

If possible, please divide this process into a few smaller chunks, and then, it should work.

Don't send 50 products at once. Try to send 10 x 5 and check if you manage to translate all of them.

Let me know your results, please.

May 10, 2023 at 6:33 pm #13626155


Yes, it's what I do in this period... I notice that I only manage maximum of 13 products every 30 minutes...But you understand that with 16000 products it's not so simple...If I turn on the automatic translation for all products, it's as I start to translate 16000 products in one time and I block the site...

May 13, 2023 at 4:50 pm #13641315


I found another strange thing as in this video
hidden link
I have about 4000 products left to translate. I can't enable the automatic translation in settings (because the issue about this topic is still open), so I start to translate from translation management. As you told before it's preferred (to prevent other issue) to translate about only 10 products each time. At this point I found a temporary way to translate. I use Selenium IDE that generally is used for testing websites to automatically surf each 30 min in the WPML > Translation Management page, select "not translated" from the input above the table, then select all the ten product showing and click "Translate automatically" > "Start Translating".
Until now it works (with some difficulties because sometimes the server goes in "gateway timeout". But now I have these about 4000 products not translated yet that are not displayed in this page, but only without filters as in the video. Have you got an idea about the reason?

May 13, 2023 at 4:53 pm #13641319


I add also another information: after I made a sequence of translation the wp-admin pages is very very slow for a lot of time, as the site need to do lot of thing in background. Is there a possibility that we have a compatibility issue with Codisto LINQ (hidden link)? I think that is not this plugin to have a problem because if I deactivate it the site remain slow, but if I deactivate your plugin all the site seems to works a lot better

May 13, 2023 at 9:06 pm #13641541


I also recreate again today a backup with duplicator pro,
here is the link where you could download (please hide it after you download):
hidden link
And the installer.php (remember to rename the extension)
hidden link

I just tried it to restore in my local environment and it works. Let me know.

May 15, 2023 at 6:41 pm #13650761


Languages: English (English )

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles (GMT-07:00)

Hi there,

as this ticket has been escalated to our 2nd tear and dev team it's recommended to ensure we stay working on the original issue as this will keep all of us on the same page.

At the moment we are using the environment here hidden link for all tests and the duplicator package we had.

Once there is news I will update you here

May 24, 2023 at 2:01 am #13703895


Thank you.
The staging instance didn't work anymore since last week, I create a new one from a recent backup with the same credential

June 21, 2023 at 3:12 pm #13869775


yesterday I received an email from WPML that you released a new version, 4.6.4 and 5.2.0 for WooCommerce Multilingual. First of all thank you for support.
I installed it immediately and I tried to work with the site. I notice a little improvement in some use cases but the issue remain: if I use the site a little bit intensive, the admin page doesn't work anymore for a some time if your plugin is active. In some cases I need to restart the server.
For an intensive use I mean for example a sequence of translation (ten each time) repeated for 5 or 6 times after they finish the previous sequence, or for example update some product in batch with WP All Import or Woocommerce Rest API...
The server has a lot of CPU available when I'm facing these issues...
Are your team still looking at the site to solve the issue? Have I to update also the staging site? are you using that?

August 10, 2023 at 10:49 pm #14185319


Hi, it's been a while since I haven't no assistance. Please provide me some information about. I still have my production site very slow caused by WPML. This week I updated WordPress and all the plugin (wpml too), but the situation is getting worse for me because the seller has lot of things to change in the site and it's not usable as it is in this moment.
Please give me some feedback and let me know if I can help your developer to solve the issue as soon as they can.

August 11, 2023 at 12:33 am #14185595


Languages: English (English )

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles (GMT-07:00)

Hi there,

Thank you for your patience and completely understand the urgency of this issue being resolved.

As there has not been a major update regarding this case the ticket has not been updated.

I have communicated all your concerns and updates to our team, and can also see that they responded to you directly on the blog announcement comment updating you regarding this issue.

Based on their feedback we will be releasing a fix for what is causing this behavior in our next development cycle for WPML 4.6.6

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns as we are always here to assist you.

September 8, 2023 at 2:09 pm #14367413


I installed the last version of the plugin, I also answer to your developer topic tea
As I say in the comments there's no improvments and in the site I spent lot of money to translate and develop that hoping that you solve the issue with your support. But after almost an half year the issue still there: some pages in the admin page is so slow that sometimes we need to wait 2 minutes to use that. Query monitor shows that all the queries where WPML is integrated are very slow. I also integrate in this month redis to improve that but we still have the same issue. I only can disable WPML but after transalte 17000 products and spent more than 5000€ by my hand only to try to solve that with other developer like me. Have you got some suggestions?

I notice also another issue in the site: if the store owner dupliacate a product to change only something like the image, the image will not be synchronized in the translation products but remain the old duplicated. Is it the case to open another topic? Thanks,


September 11, 2023 at 4:55 pm #14378515


Languages: English (English )

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles (GMT-07:00)


I have followed up with our team and the fix has been pushed to the next release of WPML as more work was required.

I will be updating you with any news as soon as I receive it and will also update our team of your feedback.

Thank you!

November 22, 2023 at 11:14 pm #14902851


Hi, are there some updates about? Have your team think about in which version and when it'll be released to fix the slowness of our site? Or you abandon this task? This thread started 3 month ago and I see no improvements or information or clear roadmap. We continue to use and pay WPML for a service that it doesn't work well because it seems that you'll solve the issue but since there's no update have we to consider another competitor because you aren't able to solve the issue? Please let sincerely know about,

November 27, 2023 at 7:07 pm #14934371


Languages: English (English )

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles (GMT-07:00)

Hi Daniele,

This issue is actively being worked on by our team, due to its complexity it requires additional work before a fix is released, this has been scheduled for WPML 4.7 which will be a major future release of WPML.

December 18, 2023 at 12:35 pm #15084225


Timezone: Europe/Madrid (GMT+02:00)

Hi Daniele

I wanted to share a solution the developers have created for you. (If you confirm it improves the situation then it will be included in the next WPML update.)

The problems you experienced seem to be quite specific to your set up, and result in your server being overwhelmed by parallel requests to the translation service.

So the solution in your case is to provide a means to limit the number of parallel requests that can be sent.

You will need to replace your current version of WPML with the patched version you can download here: hidden link

Note, ideally you would test this on a staging server. If that is not practical, be sure to take a current backup before making these changes.

As well as updating WPML, edit your wp-config.php and add the following line:


Now when you send translations in bulk, or enable automatic translation, the requests should no longer encounter the same issues.

When you have had chance to try this, please let us know how it goes so that we can pass the feedback to the developers.

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