Currently, this site is under development and we are about to launch the site.
which means, Domain will be different with DNS transfer.
My question is,
1- if we start to translate the site by translators and use auto-translation, will we lose our translation when transferring the site?
2- Will be affected if we change a server? (this one is just to check)
Hi Jasmin,
Thanks for contacting WPML support, I will be glad to help you.
The translations you created manually or automatically are saved in the database, so if the migration is properly made, you shouldn't lose any of them. Also changing the domain won't affect the translations.
Once you move your site to the new domain/server, WPML will detect the URL change and asks you if the site was copied or moved. This tells the Advanced Translation Editor what to do with pending translations, translation memory, and existing URLs and permalinks.