We found out that this seems to be related to the "Check this box if the booking requires admin approval/confirmation. Payment will not be taken during checkout" option in the product. An option would be to deactivate it in case you do not actually need ID.
Some of our products have Check Availability enabled at the product level as we need to go to a 3rd party to see if it is available. Then if it is a YES, we change the booking status from Pending Confirmation to Booking Confirmed.
Will this additional code affect this?
And will this stop booking being made in all 6 translations even though it arrive in EN?
I have added the code, and it seems to have stopped multiple emails going out to customers for the same purchase (They would buy or request availability on a product and get an email in each language as confirmation).
But then it is still creating a booking entry for each language for the booking that was made in EN - hidden link
On confirming the booking made in EN, I then received a Booking Confirmed email in NL - hidden link