Languages: English (English )Spanish (Español )German (Deutsch )
Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)
If the Contact page is the only translated Chinese page, the WPML Language Switcher will only display the language switcher option on the Contact Pages.
It would be advisable to use a Custom Menu item for this pages, similar to the earlier setup.
Somehow, this seems to be causing an unexpected behavior on the site.
I would like to offer to install the plugin "All In One WP Migration" to take a copy of the site for further testing.
Languages: English (English )Spanish (Español )German (Deutsch )
Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)
I was able to recreate this issue with Divi and WPML on a new test site.
WPML by default will try to generate the menu in each language automatically, as long the menus are not translated.
The issue seems to occur only in translated menus if those menus do not have any entries. Those menus will display all translated pages, posts, or taxonomies.
If the menu has at least one item, the issue does not occur.
This issue has been escalated to our compatibility team for further revision and we will contact you again, once the team has provided feedback.
Kindly note that I will be on vacation from today until the 6th of August.
One of my colleagues will get back to you about this issue.