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38,786 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

    • We get many questions about ElegantThemes and we’ll try to expedite the theme-compatibility review with them. If you’re also a client of ElegantThemes, you can help by reminding them that you want to see these themes working with WPML. We’ll be contacting them in the next few days, so if you remind them too, it will greatly help.

  1. Hello – I’m considering buying WPML but first have a question about it.

    We have a site that will require using our index two times. One index (the main one) be for funders who speak English and one will be for clients who speak Spanish. We DO NOT want the same, mirrored site for both. The funders will see different content and images than the client. So it’s not just a change of language, it will be a different design for each language.

    The url is for funders. Then when a client goes there she would then click on “Espanol” and see a similar index template but w/ totally different content.

    Is this possible or would the Spanish design have to mirror the English? For example, we won’t have things like “Donate” and “Get Involved” on the Spanish version.

    Sara Nelson

    • This is how WPML normally works. You can translate content, but you can also create completely different content per language. Each language will only display its content and not include automatically content from the default language.

      To change the appearance of the site in each language, you can use WPML’s language constant and load different CSS, depending on the language.

  2. Hi there have a fast quest. I have already running wordpres site and i want to extend it (new language) its possible to install your pluging on already running site andwill affect this action on the existing site content or not? Just to know if your solution will help me?

    Regards, John

  3. Hi,

    I have copy for the entire site in two languages – English and Bahasa Malaysia – and I am not looking for a plugin to “translate” the content. I’m looking for something that can allow the users to switch between the languages they are comfortable with, and the next time they come back, it will still be in that language.

    Since I will have the site copy in two languages, creating repetative posts (in different languages) isn’t an issue for me. I just need a simple to use solution.

    Is this the right plugin to do the job?


    • I think that WPML is fine for you, but you might have some manual work to migrate the existing sites to it.

      With WPML, you’ll have just one site that holds both languages (and more languages if you need later). So, you’ll need to install WPML on one of these sites and then add the content from the other site to it. We don’t have any way to automate this process.

      As you’re migrating content, you can choose what’s translation for what. Then, WPML will let you continue maintaining all content in the same site and will cross link between content in different languages.

      I hope this helps.

  4. i am using wpml pluin in wordpress and all site convert successfully but slider static content (in php file) not convert in different languages so plz any one help me regards problem .

  5. I am thinking of making the purchase and I would like to know how detailed the documentation is for an absolute newbie.

    I tried using the free version and couldn’t figure it out, at all….

    So, if I make the purchase, I just want to know that it’s fairly straight-forward.

    Thank you,

      • Thank you for the reply however, as for the “free” version, I am indeed using WPML v.

        “WPML has turned commercial

        A new version of WPML is available. This version contains important security fixes, improved performance, new and powerful features and works perfectly with WordPress 3.1.”

    • We’re looking to work with ElegantThemes developers and check compatibility. We’ve already contacted them and are awaiting reply. If you can also remind them that you want to see how their themes work with WPML, I’m sure that it will help speed things up.

  6. Hi
    This plugin probably does what I’m looking for, but I’d like to check 2 points with you before purchasing:

    Is it possible to edit the translated pages (eg to adjust wording in case of misleading translation) also in the Multilingual Blog version, or do I have to buy the CMS version?

    Is it possible to modify the pictures in the translated pages (eg for pictures with text embedded)? If yes, can I do it in the “blog” version?

    Thanks a lot

  7. Hello,

    I want to buy your plugin for my company. I have a credit card to my company name but I can’t create a paypal account to pay, which seems mandatory to order (chose “France” during paypal checkout and you will see that you MUST create a paypal account).

    Please help me.

    • You don’t need to create a PayPal account. In France, you should be able to pay with PayPal using just a credit card without creating an account. If you don’t like PayPal, you can switch to Google Checkout in the payment process.

        • Thanks. That’s something that PayPal does, not us. Google Checkout should be more convenient for you. Have you tried that? In the checkout page, before you go to PayPal, switch to Google Checkout.

  8. Hello guys,

    Do you have a geo-location feature or is wpml compatible with any geo-location plug-in?

    I already know that wpml can select a language according to the browser language, but what I need is a real geo-location feature.

    Any recommendation is welcome.

    • For our own site, we wrote that feature ourselves and it’s part of our theme code. If you have some favorite geo-location plugin, we’ll be happy to make that compatible with WPML and set the language. For that, we’ll need cooperation from the other author.

      Would you like to ask the other author if he wants to work with us?

      • Thank you for your reply.
        No, I still don’t have a favorite geo-location plug-in. I suppose that the plug-in you wrote won’t be available for general public. I will take a look and probably come back with plug-in to inform you.

  9. Hello,

    We would like to purchase your plugin but we have one question. Right now we are using a test domain, we will however be using the same theme on the actual domain – will the plugin work on more than one domain with the same theme? Or is it by domain only?



    • You can use WPML on several domains. When you buy WPML, you can install it on different sites that you manage, including your client sites.

  10. hello i am using wpml plugin in wordpress and slider content language is not change :-

    check the and then check the

    in both time slider content appear in English..

    how i can change slider content language plz help …..

    • We will probably need to work with the authors of that plugin, to make it compatible with WPML. Can you check if the other author wants to cooperate with us on that?

  11. I am building a Canadian bilingual site (Canadian english, and Canadian french) using my own child theme of Twenty Eleven. Does WPML come with the correct mo,po files for both these languages? I assume Twenty Eleven is an approved theme?

    Thank you. I am abandoning xili out of frustration. I see that WPML is both better documented and deeper. I will be using the CMS version.

    Thank you, Hollis

    • WPML comes with translation for French. It’s not specifically Canadian French but generic French. I doubt if you will see any differences.

      WPML works fine with the TwentyEleven theme. Thanks for trusting us with WPML. I’m sure you will have a nice experience here.

    • RTL support is very much a theme issue. The only thing that WPML does is set the correct locale (Hebrew). The theme needs to display correctly in right-to-left. This usually involves some CSS work by the theme author. You can read about what we did for our own site, when we added Hebrew here:

      If the theme author doesn’t know about the status of RTL support, there’s a good chance you will meet some CSS challenges. If you already have the theme, just switch the locale in your wp-config.php file to ‘he_IL’ and check how it displays. You don’t need WPML to see that.

      Then, if you see that the theme behaves well in both LTR and RTL languages, WPML will be able to make it multilingual.

  12. Dear wpml,
    We are a multilingual e-magazine and we use the free version of wpml for about a year or so. Thanks in advance for giving us this opportunity.
    We have changed several themes and we always had several problems that concerned mostly the appearance of the urls in the english version (the default language is greek). This leaded to problems that appeared in the translation of the menu and the categories of the post. Additionally, the translations of the strings are either delayed or don’t happen at all. We would like to buy the multilingual blog version of wpml but we would like to know if we are going to have problems in the future and if it’s compatible with the theme that we have chosen which is
    Thank you very much for your time.

  13. Hi,

    I’m getting ready to embark on a multi-site, multi-language project that will be built on WordPress (multisite) + BuddyPress + DIYThemes (Thesis). I’ll keep my x3 questions as short as possible:

    1. It sounds like ‘Thesis’ should play nicely with WPML in terms of localization? I’ve done quite a few other multi-lang projects using Thesis + Multisite, but I just wanted to check in advance.

    2. I’ll likely go with the WPML CMS version & was just wondering if the theme + plugins feature is ‘similar-in-function’ to the ‘CodeStyling Localization’ WPress plugin that I’ve used extensively in the past?

    3. Are you folks aware of any 100% completed .mo .po files in FR_fr for BuddyPress? I did check on GlotPress & noticed that FR_fr was ~ 51% translated

    I’ve spoke to a number of folks (@ the recent BuddyCamp Vancouver) who’ve built some fairly sophisticated WordPress + BuddyPress frameworks using MPWL & they speak very highly of the great work you folks have done with this plugin, so thanks for developing + supporting it!


    Jeff (Arsenault)
    Vancouver (Canada)

    • 1. I’ve seen a good number of sites built with WPML and Thesis. Everything appears to be fine.
      2. The CMS version includes the String Translation module which you will probably need. CodyStyle Localization is a bit different. It lets you translate static texts only.
      3. Sorry, but I don’t know the translation status of BuddyPress. That translation project on GlotPress seems a bit stuck to me. Anyway, you can translate yourself with WPML’s String Translation module too.

      • Amir,

        Thx so much for the quick reply to my WPML CMS related questions. Sounds like we’ll move forwards with WPML as the core to our multilanguage BuddyPress project. As for GlotPress, yeah I was surprised to see the Fr_fr file(s) @ ~ 51% complete, but like you say, we can translate everything on our own using the WPML String Translation Module. One of the folks I met @ BuddyCamp Vancouver in October (Stephane Boisvert) had used WPML + Buddypress to build the entire liberal party of Canada platform, so he may also have complete translated Fr_fr language files for BuddyPress/BbPress.


  14. Hello,

    I intend to purchase WPML for a multi-language web project. However we need to make sure that the following features, if not already built-in (and they don’t seem to be there as far as I went into your plugin) can be confidently developed, maybe with your support:

    1. set up language based user accounts, so that users are enabled to create and see content in their own language only

    2. enable some rewrite rule that allows getting rid of the category base in permalinks. I have noticed that WPML raises a compatibility issue with a popular WP plugin which does this type of job (No Category Base)

    thanks in advance for your help
    have a good day

    • 1. I’m not sure how this will work. Right now, there’s no access restriction in WPML, which prevents people from accessing any content. WPML includes user-language setting, which controls the language for the WordPress admin. However, this doesn’t enforce any access restrictions for public pages.

      2. I strongly suggest against this. We’ve been through this before and have always run into problems when trying to alter taxonomy URLs (including categories). If you can avoid this requirement, your site will be a lot more stable.

  15. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I was wondering if you provide an official document of payment receipt delivered to our company via surface mail. We are planning to make a purchase on using the company credit account, however need to receive the receipt in ink signed form. Any information or help would be appreciated.

    • You can get printable tax invoices but we don’t have any mailing system for printing and sending these invoices by land mail. Almost all our clients require tax invoices and these printable ones have worked so far. Are you sure that you have to get original printouts from us? They will be virtually the same as the ones that you can print for yourself.

  16. Hi. This is not a pre-sale question (I use the old free version since it’s enough for me), but I’d like to add my voice about this topic :

    WPML gives me Chinese URLs like these :
    (look fine in browser), whereas our Chinese folk tell us that in China, URL look like English ones :

    Of course, I’m not expecting support – I’m just telling. Thanks for your awesome job.

    • What you’re seeing is Chinese characters encoded as URL. That’s perfectly normal.

      If you want to have only ASCII characters in the URL, you should edit the page slug and use just English.

  17. Hi,

    Watched your video – translating posts and pages as well as themes and plugins is all covered. However, what’s not covered is how widgets (such as custom HTML widgets, WordPress Login form etc) and Menu’s are translated.

    Is there a way to translate these?

    Thanks in advance.

  18. Hi
    I wanted to know if WPML has a way of setting the language via a URL. For example 2 different domains pointing to the same site, anyone going to .com gets english by default and anyone going to gets thai?

    I’m planning to use WPML with Woo Commerce does it translate everything on the product pages and also things like confirmation and order update emails?

    How does WPML handle widgets and plugins? Does it translate just the standard WP ones or will it do everything.

  19. Hello

    Will WPML translate also user profile fields? I’m using People Lists Plugin to show user profiles on our site.



    • This will probably take a bit of work with the author of the People List plugin. If they are interested, we’ll be very happy to get the two plugins compatible.

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