Background of the issue:
I am trying to configure the blog not to translate, but it is generating a URL in English. My marketing team is concerned about duplicate content affecting SEO performance. Example URLs: hidden link and hidden link
The blog is generating an English URL for articles that should not be translated.
How can I delete the English URL for blog articles?
In this case you should change the configuration of Posts to be 'Translatable - only show translated content' in WPML -> Settings -> POst type translation
Previously I had this "Translatable" setting and it already had this behavior, so I changed it to "Not translatable" to see if that would correct it, but it remained the same.
If your goal is to show hidden link and not have the option to display the content in English, therefore not showing hidden link then the setting for Posts should be 'Translatable - only show translated content'
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing the credentials requested.
To solve the problem I followed these steps:
- WPML -> Settings -> Post type translation -> Set Posts to 'Translatable - only show translated items' -> Saved the changes
- WPML -> Languages -> Language switcher options -> How to handle languages without translation -> Set 'Skip language' -> Save the changes
Now you can see that the language switcher doesn't show the English flag on the blog posts, for example, hidden link and when visiting hidden link you will get redirected to the Portuguese URL.