Home›Support›English Support›[Resolved] Property page not showing until I disable WPML Multilingual CMS plugin
[Resolved] Property page not showing until I disable WPML Multilingual CMS plugin
This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.
Translation to English:
You are using the Houzez template and have translated all template files and the properties you have added. However, the properties page does not display content when the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin is activated; it only shows the available languages but no content.
To resolve this issue, we have enabled translation in WPML > Settings > Post Types Translation > Theme Builders > check "Translatable - use translation if available or fallback to default language". We recommend checking now if the page displays content correctly.
If the provided solution does not resolve the issue or seems irrelevant due to updates or differences in your case, we suggest opening a new support ticket. We also strongly recommend reviewing the related known issues, checking the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have the latest versions of themes and plugins installed. For additional assistance, you can visit our support forum.
This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.
Everyone can read, but only WPML clients can post here. WPML team is replying on the forum 6 days per week, 22 hours per day.
Background of the issue:
Estoy usando una plantilla Houzez y he traducido todos los archivos de la plantilla y las propiedades que he agregado. Sin embargo, la página de propiedades no aparece. El problema se resuelve cuando desactivo el plugin WPML Multilingual CMS. He estado en esta situación durante una semana. Aquí está el enlace a la página donde se puede ver el problema: hidden link
La página de propiedades no muestra contenido cuando el plugin WPML Multilingual CMS está activado. Solo se ven los idiomas disponibles, pero sin contenido.
¿Por qué la página de propiedades no muestra contenido cuando WPML está activado?
¿Cómo puedo solucionar el problema para que la página funcione con WPML activado?
Gracias por contactar con el soporte de WPML.
Mientras esperas a que uno de mis compañeros tome este ticket y trabaje en él, permíteme proporcionarte los primeros pasos de depuración o ver si puedo ayudarle rápidamente con el problema.
Para asegurarnos de que WPML funcione correctamente, ¿podrías incrementar la memoria a **256M**?
Tus valores actuales son:
- **WP Memory Limit:** 40M https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/
Para aumentarlo, edita el archivo `wp-config.php` y agrega esta línea:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
A veces estos ajustes están bloqueados por el hosting. Si no funciona, contacta con tu proveedor y solicita al menos 128M.
Si el problema persiste, necesitaremos el archivo debug.log para entender de dónde puede venir el error. Sigue las instrucciones mencionadas en esta página: https://wpml.org/documentation/support/debugging-wpml/
Luego trata de recrear el problema y dirígete a la carpeta wp-content de tu instalación y verifica si se creó un archivo **"debug.log"** (se creará solamente si hay un error en el servidor).
Si se creó el archivo, por favor súbelo a una plataforma como **Google Drive** o **Dropbox** y comparte el enlace conmigo (asegúrate de que sea accesible públicamente) para que pueda analizarlo.
Muchas gracias.
Hello Ott, I did everything as you requested. here is the link of the files you asked for also I'm getting notification of the error on my email also I added to the files, Looking forward to hear from you asap
best regards
I will need to closely examine your website. Therefore, I will require temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to a test site where the problem has been replicated, if possible. This will enable me to provide better assistance and determine if any configurations need to be modified.
Please note that it is important to have a backup for security purposes and to prevent any potential data loss. You can use the UpdraftPlus plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/updraftplus/) to fulfill your backup requirements.
Your upcoming reply will be treated with confidentiality and will only be visible to you and me.
✙ To resolve the issue, I may need your consent to deactivate and reactivate plugins and the theme, as well as make configuration changes on the site if necessary. This emphasizes the significance of having a backup.
I've checked and I could see the misconfiguration. To fix this, I've enabled translation in WPML > Settings > Post Types Translation > Theme Builder > check Translatable - use translation if available or fallback to default language
Thank you Kor for your help, I think it's working now, is there anything I should do to make sure this problem will not happen again? also could you please hide the images and any info that lead to the website! if you could just hide all this request will be great for me. thank you
best regards
Hello Kor, it seem like the problem still exist, the pages just showing the default language but when you try to view it in other languages the page is empty. I tried everything on the setting page like Translate Link Targets it's still the same, I can't move on with this problem, I also got the same error by email
"plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/records/class-wpml-tm-icl-translations.php. Error message: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: No translation entry found for query: s:34:" trid = %d AND language_code = %s ";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"46455";i:1;s:2:"ru";} in "