Problem: Sie versuchen, das Menü in englischer Sprache zu synchronisieren und String-Übersetzungen vorzunehmen, aber das Menü wird nicht auf Englisch angezeigt, obwohl es auf der deutschen Seite korrekt funktioniert. Solution: Wir haben das Problem überprüft und konnten es nicht reproduzieren. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das Menü in einem anderen Browser und auf einem anderen Gerät zu testen. Es könnte sich um ein lokales Cache-Problem handeln.
Falls diese Lösung nicht relevant ist, weil sie veraltet ist oder nicht auf Ihr Problem zutrifft, empfehlen wir Ihnen, ein neues Support-Ticket zu eröffnen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen auch, die Seite mit bekannten Problemen zu überprüfen, die Version der dauerhaften Lösung zu verifizieren und zu bestätigen, dass Sie die neuesten Versionen von Themes und Plugins installiert haben.
Für weitere Unterstützung besuchen Sie bitte unser Support-Forum.
Problema: Stai cercando di salvare una traduzione che contiene un link, ma non riesci ad applicare i marcatori. Quando clicchi sul link nella frase, il marcatore non viene applicato alla traduzione selezionata. Invece, appare un banner che suggerisce di saltare per ora. Soluzione: Ti consigliamo di provare a passare alla versione precedente dell'editor. Puoi farlo dalle impostazioni in alto a sinistra.
Se questa soluzione non risolve il problema o se sembra non essere più rilevante, ti invitiamo a consultare la pagina dei problemi noti per verificare se esiste una soluzione permanente per la tua versione. Assicurati inoltre di avere installato le ultime versioni dei temi e dei plugin. Se il problema persiste, ti consigliamo di aprire un nuovo ticket di supporto sul forum di supporto WPML.
Problem: You are trying to translate the contents in the Footnotes block on your pages using the Advanced Translation Editor (ATE), but the contents cannot be found for translation. Solution: 1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard > WPML > Settings > Custom Fields Translation. 2. Search for "footnote" and set it to "Translate". 3. Click the blue save button. 4. Visit the page containing the footnote and make a change in the original language to trigger the need for a translation update. 5. Open the Advanced Translation Editor. You will find a search bar at the top. Search for the content of the Footnote, and you should be able to find it. 6. Ensure you copy the entire code as is, and only change the text inside. For example, for a code like this:
For more detailed instructions on how to search content inside Advanced Translation Editor, visit this link.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket.
Problem: Estás intentando editar un producto con Elementor y encuentras un conflicto entre WPML y Elementor que provoca una carga infinita del editor y un mensaje de error PHP. El problema se debe a la implementación de tu Child Theme. Solution: Primero, asegúrate de realizar una copia de seguridad completa de tu sitio. Luego, en el archivo
de tu Child Theme, modifica la función existente para verificar si la función
existe antes de llamarla. Reemplaza el código:
function mostrar_repetidor_caracteristicas() {<br /> global $post;<br /> if (have_rows('caracteristicas', $post->ID)) {
function mostrar_repetidor_caracteristicas() {<br /> global $post;<br /> if (function_exists('have_rows') && have_rows('caracteristicas', $post->ID)) {
Este cambio debería resolver el problema de carga y el mensaje de error.
Si esta solución no resuelve tu problema o si parece desactualizada, te recomendamos abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte. También es aconsejable revisar los problemas conocidos y confirmar que tienes instaladas las últimas versiones de los temas y plugins.
Problème: Vous tentez de traduire vos pages classiques avec WPML, mais seulement une partie des pages est traduite. Vous observez que certains contenus semblent présents dans l'éditeur de traduction, mais ils ne sont pas tous visibles, possiblement à cause de contenus masqués en version desktop. Solution: Nous avons identifié un problème de traduction bloquée due à une erreur technique. Voici les étapes pour résoudre ce problème: 1) Accédez à WPML>>Support et cliquez sur le lien Troubleshooting. 2) Dans la page Troubleshooting, cliquez sur les options suivantes dans la section *Clean up* et attendez la confirmation du traitement après chaque option: - Vider le cache dans WPML - Supprimer les entrées fantômes des tables de traduction - Corriger la collation de element_type - Définir les informations sur la langue - Fixer la collation des tables WPML - Attribuer un statut de traduction au contenu dupliqué - Fixer le nombre de termes - Correction de l'assignation du type de message - Nettoyer et optimiser les tables de chaînes - Annuler les travaux automatiques en cours 3) Renvoyez le contenu à la traduction automatique.
Si cette solution ne résout pas votre problème ou semble dépassée, nous vous recommandons de vérifier les problèmes connus, de vérifier la version du correctif permanent et de confirmer que vous avez installé les dernières versions des thèmes et plugins. Si le problème persiste, n'hésitez pas à ouvrir un nouveau ticket de support sur notre forum de support.
Problem: You are experiencing a fatal error when using WP CLI commands with WPML and the Rollbar plugin due to a compatibility issue with the psr/log library. The error message indicates a declaration mismatch in
. Solution: We recommend trying one of the following workarounds: 1) Disable the Rollbar plugin. 2) Modify the
file in your WPML plugin directory. Replace its contents with the following code:>
namespace WPML\PHP\Logger;
use Psr\Log\AbstractLogger;
use Stringable;
class DebugFileLogger extends AbstractLogger {
public function log($level, Stringable|string $message, array $context = []): void {
if ( ! defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) || ! WP_DEBUG ) {
$log = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . ' [' . $level . '] ' . (string) $message . PHP_EOL;
\error_log( $log );
If these solutions do not resolve the issue or if they become outdated, please check for related known issues at, verify the version of the permanent fix, and confirm that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, we highly recommend opening a new support ticket for further assistance.
Problem: You are trying to start automatic translation on your WordPress site using WPML, but the WPML credit does not show correctly in WordPress. It indicates 0 credit, although you actually have 79198 credits assigned. Solution: First, we recommend updating all other plugins manually to ensure they are compatible with the latest WPML version. You can find the latest versions under My Account -> Downloads on the WPML website. After updating, please check if your site is registered correctly using the correct site key. Remember to back up your database before making any updates.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems outdated, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If the problem persists, please open a new support ticket.
The client is unable to update the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin as the update link is not visible, and receives a message stating 'WPML String Translation is enabled but not effective, because WPML is outdated. Please update WPML first.'.
If you're experiencing this issue, we recommend visiting Plugins>Add New>Commercial tab and clicking on the Check for updates button. This action will refresh the installer caches and should make the update link for the latest version of WPML visible. Please note that WPML releases updates in batches during the initial days of release, which might delay the visibility of the update link for some users.
If this solution does not resolve your issue or seems irrelevant due to it being outdated or not applicable to your case, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. If further assistance is needed, please open a new support ticket at WPML support forum.