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38,900 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”
Hello Agnes Bury,
and thanks for your answer
sorry, but again you don’t udnerstand my (easy) question
when i write “Automatically” it’s mean, automatically: without human intervention
Yes, this is possible in the fallback option I described. You need to set this fallback option only once and from now on the duplication will happen automatically.
Comments i read on Internet about this it’s:
it works from the main Language of website to others languages: the post (Listing) will be duplicate to others languages
but when a post (Listing) is posted from an other enabled languages in WPML, so it will be not duplicated in the main language website
me i would like that it works in everyway
from the main to others languages, and visible too from other languages to main language (EN)
understand what i mean? for users don’t have to post 3 times (if 3 languages) the same post or edit it
you need 2 credits to translate 1 word. You would need to know how many words your site has. There are some tools online which can help you to get this information. As soon as you know how many words your site has, you can use this calculator: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/automatic-translation-pricing/#simulate-your-translation-price
It’s good to translate only to one language at first and see how it goes and add more languages later.
I already have a wpml license purchased where I have included WPML All import, now I can’t download it, it tells me that I have to upgrade, I don’t understand why since I don’t need it, what can I do?
Hi again,
I can see you have an active WPML account but the Blog one. I can see that the WPML All import plugin has been replaced with WPML Export and Import. Can you please use it instead? If no, please help us understand why you need the old version of the plugin.
In the meantime I will check with our team if we provide a way to download the old one.
We (WPML team) don’t provide custom work but our contractors do. You would need to check with some of them but what you are requesting is not a simple change so it’s hard to tell who would be interested.
In response to our below thread (I tried replying directly to the thread but it’s not working). We have one (English) language that we want to translate to 9 other languages within the WPML system. You mentioned in a response “When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR. For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR” Is this a cost for a single language translation? Or is this a cost for doing one language (English) translated to 9 other languages? I am trying to clarify if the cost is 1,137.00 EUR per language translation or for one (English) translated for 9 other languages.
Thank you
Hi Agnes,
I have two sites registered under my account I need 4 million credits for one and 1.8 million credits for the other. I am trying to figure out the pricing estimates but do not find an official calculator on the WPML site. I found this page which gives a reference. https://wpml.org/announcements/2022/02/new-pricing-for-automatic-translation/
Could you please give me a quote for a “pay as you go” option for 6 million credits across two sites?
In addition, I have development sites for each of these sites – would I be able to translate on a development environment and then push the site to production (with translations done in development) or would I need to do all translations in production? Or can i do both?
Agnes Bury
March 26, 2024 at 9:20 am
Hello Jordan,
you can use this credit calculator
When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR.
For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR
Yes, you can translate on the development site and then apply the following “trick”
1. You connect both sites by sharing a special key as describe here
2. On your production site, you translate your pages again but since translation memory will be used, all the translations will be pulled from the translation memory of the shared (development) site and applied (without consuming new credits) on your production site.
You could test this one with a few posts to see how it works.
Or you can move your entire development site to your production site and override it (as you would do with any site migration)
The quote had been checked for only one language (that’s what I meant when saying “and set it to one language”). When you visit the page with the calculator you can use the bottom slider “Number of languages to translate into” and put 9 languages. Please note that you don’t have to translate everything. WPML allows you to select the posts that need to be translated. Some of our client tend to skip irrelevant or old posts.
If you have the WPML Multilingual type of account, you don’t need to upgrade because this package contains all of the WPML plugins, including WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency. Please check the Download section on your account and you should see this plugin there. Or you can check the list of plugins on your WordPress site that uses WPML:
a) go to Plugins
b) add new
c) Click on the Commercial tab
Agnes, Thank you for all your help on helping us make a decision on our two website.
I am looking to clarify specific questions from our team below for moving forward.
In order to move forward, can you please provide the following:
– Final cost to translate the GS & CW websites in 9 languages
— “”When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR. For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR””
— We want to translate both sites from English to 9 different languages
– Estimated ongoing cost (cost per word) to maintain (make edits, add new pages, etc.) to both websites translated to 9 languages with each content, post, and page updates ongoing? Estimated costs for updates ongoing.
Thank you very much. If I can provide specific details, I will make a decision soon.
Hello Jordan,
I’m not sure if the link to the credit calculator helped, so let me share some screenshots that show how to use it. https://wpml.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/cal-01.png https://wpml.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/cal-2.png
I set it to to end up with 4 milion credits in two different ways.
However, I don’t know how you knew that you would need 4 million credits for the first of your site and 1.8 for the other. Note that the calculator’s input expect the number of words (not credits) to enter. In other words, if you need an estimate of credits, you need to change the number of words (or/and the number of languages) and watch how that change will affect the number of credits. If you know how many words each of your site has, simply put that number into the calculator, set the number of languages you want your site to translate to and you will get the number of credits needed. Estimated ongoing cost
I cannot provide you this estimate because I cannot anticipate how many and what kind of edits you plan to make on your site(s). Please nota that when you make updates to existing content, you will need to use credits only for the sentences that have changed, everything else won’t consume credits because it’s already translated. So updates will be cheaper than the first time translation. When it comes to translating new pages in the future, the same rules apply and you can use the credit calculator again to estimate how much you will pay. Say, you will add two pages per week with 2000 words each (and you do this every month). This is 2×2,000×4 (1 month = 4 weeks) = 16,000 words per month. To translate 16,000 words to 9 languages you will pay €137.20 EUR every month. https://wpml.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/cal-3.png
I hope this helps.
Agnes, I can’t reply when clicking on reply under your comments, so I am pasting it here for reference + my last question before I can start the process.
“One of my customers, an employment agency, want to get all their pages translated in multiple languages.
I have 2 questions:
1. Could you please check and scroll through some of their pages: https://prestatie.eu/ they are an employment agency in the Netherlands. They have regular pages, blogs, but also have a lot of Job pages and job category pages, etc. generated by the SJB plugin. If their might be any complications or problems expected I would like to know.
That brings me to question 2 🙂
2. Is it possible to let someone of the supportteam install and setup the plugin? And if so what would this cost?
Kindly let me know by email, looking forward to the answer and getting started 🙂
Agnes Bury
March 26, 2024 at 4:22 pm
Hello Marco,
We are compatible with the Simple Job Board plugin but let me check with our Compatibility Team if automatic translations are supported as well. I will get back to your with the answer.
We don’t provide this kind of service for the moment but since more and more clients are asking about it, we will consider this option in the future. For now, you would need to use the help of one of our contractors. You find a contractor and you contact them to ask how much they would charge you.
Agnes Bury
March 27, 2024 at 2:01 pm
With the SJB plugin you should be able to translate your content automatically too. We have a 30-day refund policy. You can buy WPML and try it out on a copy of your website. If there are any issues, you fill out the refund form and we will return your money.
Ok, sounds great, just have one last worry. There’s an reposter on there using a cronjob that reposts every few days. Could this be a problem (I could see this slurping up credits over and over again, that’s why I want to check in advance). Or is their anything I should tell the contractors / specify for this? Kind regards, Marco
new credits are used only when there is something new to translate (new content has appeared or has been updated) and also credits are used for content that has not been translated yet. WPML maintenances so-called Translation Memory (TM) and when it’s about to translate something it checks TM first and if a specific sentence has already been translated, it won’t be translated again and no credits will be used. For updated content, only the sentences that have changed will use credits.
So if your cron job adds something completely new, yes, it will be translated. If your cron adds something that was translated in the past, credits won’t be used.
Please note that you will be able to choose your translation mode:
a) Translate Everything Automatically
b) Let me Choose what to translate
Only the first option will translate something automatically (without a human intervention). When you select option b, you need to choose the posts/pages to translate automatically. You can do it in bulk (one go) but you or someone needs to trigger the automatic translation. This option allows you to translate your content in a controlled way.
In your case, I would advise you get started with WPML on a copy of your site and see how it works. You can use our support forum to ask specific questions. Only after, use WPML on your production site. I hope it helps.
I have a question about the Automatic Translation WPML functionality using DeepL.
My customer has already a website that has been translated with “Translate Press” plugin. I’m making his website completely new and I decided to switch to WPML.
On Translate Press there is a field where you can add a DeepL API Key and everything gets translated automatically.
On WPML, as far as I understood, DeepL is kind of “integrated” with a WPML account where automatically gets connected to the DeepL service.
My question is the following: is there a way to use a DeepL API Key as the same as Translate Press? Otherwise do I need to create a brand new WPML account and connect it to DeepL through that?
To use WPML’s automatic translation feature you must have a valid WPML subscription.
With WPML there will be no way for you to use a DeepL API Key as the same as Translate Press.
With your new subscription you will get free automatic translation credits you can use on your sites.
If needed, you can also buy more prepaid packages of credits or register to our Pay-as-you-go option which is the most affordable.
On your site, you can choose DeepL (default) as the translation engine and start translating your site automatically.
There is no need for other API or connections. Here are the links to the relevant guides and our purchase page. https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/ https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/automatic-translation-pricing/ https://wpml.org/purchase/
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Hello Jose,
If after 1 year you decide not to renovate, your translations will remain but you won’t be able to update your WPML or accessing to support.
Hello Mark,
For your case, you should install WPML in your master site and setup all the different subdomains for all the different.
In that way, our Multilingual CMS license should cover it.
Im looking to buy this as an agency. It says unlimited websites. does that mean, second year i can install on other websites, without the updates and support?
I’m interested in purchasing WPML, but I also want to make sure it’s compatible with future WordPress updates.
Do you proactively test WPML with upcoming WordPress 6.5 releases? Additionally, if a new WordPress update introduces any compatibility issues, can I expect a timely update from WPML to address them?
If you plan to release a new version of WPML, could you share any insights into what features or improvements might be included in the next WPML version and when will be released?
Hello Stefan,
Indeed, our dev team is constant and proactively testing every upcoming WordPress release. Actually, once the WordPress Core team release a new testing version, it is included in our development cycles to avoid and fix any potential issue. Of course, if there is any compatibility issue introduced, our dev team address it quickly.
Finally, our next major release is WPML 4.7, however, it is too soon to talk about it.
I hope it helps,
Hello Pascal,
You can do that directly from your WPML profile account. There, you should see the possibility for upgrading from Multilingual CMS to Agency and just pay the difference.
Hello Daniel,
the credentials to your site are sent our immediately as soon as your order is complete. I checked your WPML user and all seems to be fine. Please check your spam folder and if you didn’t receive the credentials please use this link to reset your password: https://wpml.org/account/lost-my-password/
If this doesn’t help, please contact us via this form https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/ and we will manually trigger password resetting.
I’ve been waiting for help about the issue I mentioned.
Now our account has been canceled, And we can’t do anything.
Thanks for getting back to us shortly.
please log into your WPML account and you should see the Pay Now button for $59. As soon as your payment is completed (59 USD) you will have again your Loyal subscription active. I will also notify the person who is handling your support ticket to continue there.
I was a former user of WPML with 5 languages on a site (no longer active). I thought it worked really well. I now want to add Spanish as a second language to my personal website and have forgotten what the initial steps are. I am not a site builder and need to explain to my web person how to get started. I have human translated the content. Primary question is – She built my WP English site, should I have her build a duplicate Spanish version as the first step? I will repurchase WPML subject to her willingness to do this project.
Nice to see you back :-). Here are the steps:
1. As soon as your WPML account is active again, please log into your account and download the OTGS Installer plugin. Upload it to your WP site (Plugins > Add new) and activate.
2. Follow the WPML wizard. When you will be asked to choose the translation mode, please select “Let me choose what to translate”.
3. WPML has a convenient Advanced Translation Editor which allows you to translate your pages automatically (and of course you can make edits if you would like to improve the machine translation) but if you would like to stick to your previous workflow and translate your content manually by duplicating the pages, please follow this guide. This will disable the translation editor and allow you to open the pages in the other languages in the WordPress editor and provide your translations. You can also keep the WPML translation editor and still use your own translation by copy-pasting them into the WPML translation editor’s cells. These days, the vast majority of our clients use the WPML translation editor with automatic translations because it speeds up the work, the translation quality is great (the famous DeepL engine is our default translation engine) but it’s up to you which option you would prefer.
In your purchase screen, it asks for Billing contact information, then sends the download information to Billing, but our organization separates Billing from Technical. Funnelling everything through our Billing address does not work at all.
you can purchase your WPML subscription with one email address and then add multiple users to your WPML account with different roles and this way allow some of them use our technical support forum as explained here. Please check the table with roles.
Hello Agnes Bury,
and thanks for your answer
sorry, but again you don’t udnerstand my (easy) question
when i write “Automatically” it’s mean, automatically: without human intervention
Yes, this is possible in the fallback option I described. You need to set this fallback option only once and from now on the duplication will happen automatically.
you mean, that all the next posts will be automaticall duplicate in others languages without admin intervention?
If you use the fallback feature, yes, all the next posts will be automatically duplicated to others languages without admin intervention.
Comments i read on Internet about this it’s:
it works from the main Language of website to others languages: the post (Listing) will be duplicate to others languages
but when a post (Listing) is posted from an other enabled languages in WPML, so it will be not duplicated in the main language website
me i would like that it works in everyway
from the main to others languages, and visible too from other languages to main language (EN)
understand what i mean? for users don’t have to post 3 times (if 3 languages) the same post or edit it
thank you
The fallback feature works only for posts published in the main language. So it won’t work in the case you have described now.
but there is a possibility for it works in every way for all languages?
because only in one way, there is not sense
No, this feature works only one way: from the default language to secondary language.
maybe possible from your team, to write a snippet code to instert in fucntions.php file for do in every way?
Not possible, I’m sorry but this is not that simple as it might appear to be and would provide other implications.
Hi Team,
What dose 90,000 translation credits means?
This is my website – https://www.aryaka.com/
If I want to translate the whole website in 5 different languages. How many credits do i need?
you need 2 credits to translate 1 word. You would need to know how many words your site has. There are some tools online which can help you to get this information. As soon as you know how many words your site has, you can use this calculator: https://wpml.org/documentation/automatic-translation/automatic-translation-pricing/#simulate-your-translation-price
It’s good to translate only to one language at first and see how it goes and add more languages later.
I already have a wpml license purchased where I have included WPML All import, now I can’t download it, it tells me that I have to upgrade, I don’t understand why since I don’t need it, what can I do?
to download WPML plugins you need to have an active WPML account. If your WPML subscription expired, you need to buy again.
Hi again,
I can see you have an active WPML account but the Blog one. I can see that the WPML All import plugin has been replaced with WPML Export and Import. Can you please use it instead? If no, please help us understand why you need the old version of the plugin.
In the meantime I will check with our team if we provide a way to download the old one.
the plugin should be available in your account (download section) now. Please check again.
“Not possible, I’m sorry but this is not that simple as it might appear to be and would provide other implications”
but if i pay for this custom work?
Nobody in the WPML tam, no one developper can make cusrtom work for custoemrs?
We (WPML team) don’t provide custom work but our contractors do. You would need to check with some of them but what you are requesting is not a simple change so it’s hard to tell who would be interested.
Hi Agnes,
In response to our below thread (I tried replying directly to the thread but it’s not working). We have one (English) language that we want to translate to 9 other languages within the WPML system. You mentioned in a response “When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR. For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR” Is this a cost for a single language translation? Or is this a cost for doing one language (English) translated to 9 other languages? I am trying to clarify if the cost is 1,137.00 EUR per language translation or for one (English) translated for 9 other languages.
Thank you
Hi Agnes,
I have two sites registered under my account I need 4 million credits for one and 1.8 million credits for the other. I am trying to figure out the pricing estimates but do not find an official calculator on the WPML site. I found this page which gives a reference. https://wpml.org/announcements/2022/02/new-pricing-for-automatic-translation/
Could you please give me a quote for a “pay as you go” option for 6 million credits across two sites?
In addition, I have development sites for each of these sites – would I be able to translate on a development environment and then push the site to production (with translations done in development) or would I need to do all translations in production? Or can i do both?
Agnes Bury
March 26, 2024 at 9:20 am
Hello Jordan,
you can use this credit calculator
When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR.
For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR
Yes, you can translate on the development site and then apply the following “trick”
1. You connect both sites by sharing a special key as describe here
2. On your production site, you translate your pages again but since translation memory will be used, all the translations will be pulled from the translation memory of the shared (development) site and applied (without consuming new credits) on your production site.
You could test this one with a few posts to see how it works.
Or you can move your entire development site to your production site and override it (as you would do with any site migration)
The quote had been checked for only one language (that’s what I meant when saying “and set it to one language”). When you visit the page with the calculator you can use the bottom slider “Number of languages to translate into” and put 9 languages. Please note that you don’t have to translate everything. WPML allows you to select the posts that need to be translated. Some of our client tend to skip irrelevant or old posts.
I have WPML Multilingual for my client but would like to upgrade tothe WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML. Can this be done?
If you have the WPML Multilingual type of account, you don’t need to upgrade because this package contains all of the WPML plugins, including WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency. Please check the Download section on your account and you should see this plugin there. Or you can check the list of plugins on your WordPress site that uses WPML:
a) go to Plugins
b) add new
c) Click on the Commercial tab
Not a WordPress program that can be translated using this plugin?
WPML must be used only on WordPress sites.
Agnes, Thank you for all your help on helping us make a decision on our two website.
I am looking to clarify specific questions from our team below for moving forward.
In order to move forward, can you please provide the following:
– Final cost to translate the GS & CW websites in 9 languages
— “”When I put 4 million credits and set it to one language, I’m getting €1,137.00 EUR. For 1.8 million credits > €587.00 EUR””
— We want to translate both sites from English to 9 different languages
– Estimated ongoing cost (cost per word) to maintain (make edits, add new pages, etc.) to both websites translated to 9 languages with each content, post, and page updates ongoing? Estimated costs for updates ongoing.
Thank you very much. If I can provide specific details, I will make a decision soon.
My best
Hello Jordan,
I’m not sure if the link to the credit calculator helped, so let me share some screenshots that show how to use it.
I set it to to end up with 4 milion credits in two different ways.
However, I don’t know how you knew that you would need 4 million credits for the first of your site and 1.8 for the other. Note that the calculator’s input expect the number of words (not credits) to enter. In other words, if you need an estimate of credits, you need to change the number of words (or/and the number of languages) and watch how that change will affect the number of credits. If you know how many words each of your site has, simply put that number into the calculator, set the number of languages you want your site to translate to and you will get the number of credits needed.
Estimated ongoing cost
I cannot provide you this estimate because I cannot anticipate how many and what kind of edits you plan to make on your site(s). Please nota that when you make updates to existing content, you will need to use credits only for the sentences that have changed, everything else won’t consume credits because it’s already translated. So updates will be cheaper than the first time translation. When it comes to translating new pages in the future, the same rules apply and you can use the credit calculator again to estimate how much you will pay. Say, you will add two pages per week with 2000 words each (and you do this every month). This is 2×2,000×4 (1 month = 4 weeks) = 16,000 words per month. To translate 16,000 words to 9 languages you will pay €137.20 EUR every month.
I hope this helps.
Agnes, I can’t reply when clicking on reply under your comments, so I am pasting it here for reference + my last question before I can start the process.
“One of my customers, an employment agency, want to get all their pages translated in multiple languages.
I have 2 questions:
1. Could you please check and scroll through some of their pages: https://prestatie.eu/ they are an employment agency in the Netherlands. They have regular pages, blogs, but also have a lot of Job pages and job category pages, etc. generated by the SJB plugin. If their might be any complications or problems expected I would like to know.
That brings me to question 2 🙂
2. Is it possible to let someone of the supportteam install and setup the plugin? And if so what would this cost?
Kindly let me know by email, looking forward to the answer and getting started 🙂
Agnes Bury
March 26, 2024 at 4:22 pm
Hello Marco,
We are compatible with the Simple Job Board plugin but let me check with our Compatibility Team if automatic translations are supported as well. I will get back to your with the answer.
We don’t provide this kind of service for the moment but since more and more clients are asking about it, we will consider this option in the future. For now, you would need to use the help of one of our contractors. You find a contractor and you contact them to ask how much they would charge you.
Agnes Bury
March 27, 2024 at 2:01 pm
With the SJB plugin you should be able to translate your content automatically too. We have a 30-day refund policy. You can buy WPML and try it out on a copy of your website. If there are any issues, you fill out the refund form and we will return your money.
Ok, sounds great, just have one last worry. There’s an reposter on there using a cronjob that reposts every few days. Could this be a problem (I could see this slurping up credits over and over again, that’s why I want to check in advance). Or is their anything I should tell the contractors / specify for this? Kind regards, Marco
new credits are used only when there is something new to translate (new content has appeared or has been updated) and also credits are used for content that has not been translated yet. WPML maintenances so-called Translation Memory (TM) and when it’s about to translate something it checks TM first and if a specific sentence has already been translated, it won’t be translated again and no credits will be used. For updated content, only the sentences that have changed will use credits.
So if your cron job adds something completely new, yes, it will be translated. If your cron adds something that was translated in the past, credits won’t be used.
Please note that you will be able to choose your translation mode:
a) Translate Everything Automatically
b) Let me Choose what to translate
Only the first option will translate something automatically (without a human intervention). When you select option b, you need to choose the posts/pages to translate automatically. You can do it in bulk (one go) but you or someone needs to trigger the automatic translation. This option allows you to translate your content in a controlled way.
In your case, I would advise you get started with WPML on a copy of your site and see how it works. You can use our support forum to ask specific questions. Only after, use WPML on your production site. I hope it helps.
Hello there,
I have a question about the Automatic Translation WPML functionality using DeepL.
My customer has already a website that has been translated with “Translate Press” plugin. I’m making his website completely new and I decided to switch to WPML.
On Translate Press there is a field where you can add a DeepL API Key and everything gets translated automatically.
On WPML, as far as I understood, DeepL is kind of “integrated” with a WPML account where automatically gets connected to the DeepL service.
My question is the following: is there a way to use a DeepL API Key as the same as Translate Press? Otherwise do I need to create a brand new WPML account and connect it to DeepL through that?
Thank you in advance for your answer!
To use WPML’s automatic translation feature you must have a valid WPML subscription.
With WPML there will be no way for you to use a DeepL API Key as the same as Translate Press.
With your new subscription you will get free automatic translation credits you can use on your sites.
If needed, you can also buy more prepaid packages of credits or register to our Pay-as-you-go option which is the most affordable.
On your site, you can choose DeepL (default) as the translation engine and start translating your site automatically.
There is no need for other API or connections. Here are the links to the relevant guides and our purchase page.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Is there some kind of instructions or best practices for people who are switching from another translation service?
I want to minimise the effects for visitors and seo.
Thank You,
Hi, William.
In general, WPML is doing everything to promote Multilingual SEO.
You can read about it in the following link.
To provide specific details, please let me know which Translation Service you are switching from.
Dear, i am planing to buy your plugin to create a 3 languages translate.. my questions, if i dont renovate after 1 year, what happens?
Hello Jose,
If after 1 year you decide not to renovate, your translations will remain but you won’t be able to update your WPML or accessing to support.
Looking to use WPML for a new site that has a master site at [sitename].com and 14xcountry sub-domains all at de.[sitename].com etc.
Saw help topic on how to setup multi domain settings here: https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/language-setup/language-url-options/how-to-use-wpml-with-different-domains-per-language/
For multiple domains, do I need to purchase multiple licenses or will one Multilingual CMS license @ €99/yr cover main site and all 14xSub-domains?
Hello Mark,
For your case, you should install WPML in your master site and setup all the different subdomains for all the different.
In that way, our Multilingual CMS license should cover it.
Im looking to buy this as an agency. It says unlimited websites. does that mean, second year i can install on other websites, without the updates and support?
Hello Shaun,
I’m afraid no, you should use a valid license for continuing installing WPML in new websites.
I run anb agency. if i buy the full package. after year one i dont need support and updates. can i still add wpml to websites.?
Hello Shaun,
I answered your initial question.
Dear all,
I’m interested in purchasing WPML, but I also want to make sure it’s compatible with future WordPress updates.
Do you proactively test WPML with upcoming WordPress 6.5 releases? Additionally, if a new WordPress update introduces any compatibility issues, can I expect a timely update from WPML to address them?
If you plan to release a new version of WPML, could you share any insights into what features or improvements might be included in the next WPML version and when will be released?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Hello Stefan,
Indeed, our dev team is constant and proactively testing every upcoming WordPress release. Actually, once the WordPress Core team release a new testing version, it is included in our development cycles to avoid and fix any potential issue. Of course, if there is any compatibility issue introduced, our dev team address it quickly.
Finally, our next major release is WPML 4.7, however, it is too soon to talk about it.
I hope it helps,
I already have an account and a membership (the 99 one). I need to move up to agency, who do I upgrade my account? – URGENT!
Hello Pascal,
You can do that directly from your WPML profile account. There, you should see the possibility for upgrading from Multilingual CMS to Agency and just pay the difference.
I’ve purchased WPML – but did NOT receive the login / download link etc..!
Hello Daniel,
the credentials to your site are sent our immediately as soon as your order is complete. I checked your WPML user and all seems to be fine. Please check your spam folder and if you didn’t receive the credentials please use this link to reset your password: https://wpml.org/account/lost-my-password/
If this doesn’t help, please contact us via this form https://wpml.org/home/contact-us/contact-form/ and we will manually trigger password resetting.
Hi !
Can one of you guys help getting our account back, with the discount we’re entitled to?
I’ve been waiting for help about the issue I mentioned.
Now our account has been canceled, And we can’t do anything.
Thanks for getting back to us shortly.
please log into your WPML account and you should see the Pay Now button for $59. As soon as your payment is completed (59 USD) you will have again your Loyal subscription active. I will also notify the person who is handling your support ticket to continue there.
I was a former user of WPML with 5 languages on a site (no longer active). I thought it worked really well. I now want to add Spanish as a second language to my personal website and have forgotten what the initial steps are. I am not a site builder and need to explain to my web person how to get started. I have human translated the content. Primary question is – She built my WP English site, should I have her build a duplicate Spanish version as the first step? I will repurchase WPML subject to her willingness to do this project.
Nice to see you back :-). Here are the steps:
1. As soon as your WPML account is active again, please log into your account and download the OTGS Installer plugin. Upload it to your WP site (Plugins > Add new) and activate.
2. Follow the WPML wizard. When you will be asked to choose the translation mode, please select “Let me choose what to translate”.
3. WPML has a convenient Advanced Translation Editor which allows you to translate your pages automatically (and of course you can make edits if you would like to improve the machine translation) but if you would like to stick to your previous workflow and translate your content manually by duplicating the pages, please follow this guide. This will disable the translation editor and allow you to open the pages in the other languages in the WordPress editor and provide your translations. You can also keep the WPML translation editor and still use your own translation by copy-pasting them into the WPML translation editor’s cells. These days, the vast majority of our clients use the WPML translation editor with automatic translations because it speeds up the work, the translation quality is great (the famous DeepL engine is our default translation engine) but it’s up to you which option you would prefer.
In your purchase screen, it asks for Billing contact information, then sends the download information to Billing, but our organization separates Billing from Technical. Funnelling everything through our Billing address does not work at all.
you can purchase your WPML subscription with one email address and then add multiple users to your WPML account with different roles and this way allow some of them use our technical support forum as explained here. Please check the table with roles.