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38,389 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. before ordering i have a doute can you explain i want to multiple language and multicurrency with WPML how can i give diffrent diffrent feeds to google merchant center

    i have a woocommerce store

    i have a doute store made with english and INR currency feed added to google for woocommerce plugin merchent center working fine

    plese explain i will place order

  2. Hi.
    We bought license to translate our page to czech language. We want two different wordpress. First main on .pl domain and second on .cz version. How can we do it in best way? Should we migrate whole .pl WordPress to second .cz version then translate all pages to czech language and remove .pl pages?

  3. Hi.
    Thanks for reply.
    I know that I can set 2 domains on one WordPress but in this case I MUST do this on two separates WordPress and I have no choice :). That’s why I’m asking how can I do it in the best way with WPML.

  4. Are You sure? if I migrate whole .pl website to second WordPress instance and start doing translation on this migrated WordPress with .cz domain it isn’t possible? Then, at the end of translations I can delete all polish post and pages and keep only czech translating versions right?

  5. Bonjour,

    Pouvez-vous me dire si vous avez en stock une facture d’abonnement au nom de la société Linx, contact Victor YAM ?

    Si oui, merci de me la faire parvenir car je souhaite identifier si un abonnement à déjà été effectué sur votre site.

    Lucie Breny
    06 71 73 48 20

    • Bonjour, Oui, il existe un abonnement WPML expiré portant ce nom. J’ai vérifié votre site Web et votre site a été enregistré il y a un an avec un utilisateur avec le domaine dans l’adresse e-mail. Je ne peux pas vous fournir l’intégralité de l’e-mail. Il s’agit d’un abonnement expiré, vous devez donc payer à nouveau pour le renouveler. Vous pouvez également en acheter un nouveau avec une nouvelle adresse e-mail. Si vous en achetez un nouveau, vous devez vous rendre sur votre site WordPress, dans les sections « PLugins », puis cliquer sur « ajouter un plugin », puis passer à l’onglet Commercial et désinscrire le site et l’enregistrer à nouveau avec la nouvelle adresse e-mail.

  6. Hello,

    I want to renew my account for 75 eur and use paypal, how to do that ? because i see that my account is canceled, I have to buy wpml again with 100, i need to pay this order #16096184

    than you

    best regards

    • Hello,
      yes, it looks like you missed your renewal date and your WPML subscription expired and that’s why you lost your discount. You need to pay the full price again.

  7. 1 have two questions.

    1. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit. We actually maintain 4 websites for other public transit advocacy organization in our coalition. Do you offer any discount pricing for not for profit organizations? Up to and including your agency tier?

    2. Do you offer a trial period to try your plugin out?

    • Hello,
      I’m sorry but we don’t have any migration script/tool and you would need to translate everything from scratch using WPML or manual copy-paste your existing translations.

  8. Hi , i can’t buy your plugin. After clicking “Place order” button i’m redirected to and i have an error: No token passed . Thanx

    • Hello Sebastian,
      please try again with diffrent browser or you can also use your credit card instead. On the “checkout” page you will see a link entitled “Use a different payment processor” (at the bottom of the page, under the orange button). Please click on it.

  9. Hi

    I’d like to subscribe to WPML but I’m uncertain about the most conveniente payment option.

    We need to translate only 1 website (12000w) from Spanish into German, French and English.
    Consdering the number of credits required to translate automatically those 12,000w into the 3 languages, I understand we should go for the Multilingual Agency option? Or would the Multilingual CMS be ok?

    Or, should we simply choose the “pay as you go” option which, based on the number of credits required seems like the cheapest choice? 144,000 credit for 79€

    I’d appreciate your help in this regard.

    Thank you!

    • Hello Laura,
      In order to use automatic translation you will need to puurchase a CMS subscription, or Agency. The difference is in the number of sites you can register WPML.
      You can buy a CMS subscription, which includes 90,000 credits and then activate Pay-as-you-go if you need to translate more content.

      Kind regards,

  10. We want to purchase your software, but we are located on The Canary Islands (ultra peripheric EU region). We are part of Spain but not subject to the 21% VAT or to a European VAT number. How can we make the purchase without having to pay that 21%?

  11. Hi, I’ve been trying to buy an agency subscription all day, but it seems that my credit cards cannot be accepted (not a card problem, nor of availability on the count). It appears a message that says that rechargeable cards are not allowed but it seems a system error, since they’re not rechargeable. What can I do? I need urgently to buy the subscription.

  12. I am trying to purchase a WPML subscription, but when I change the location to India during the checkout process, it says, “Merchant is not available.”

    Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? Let me know if there are alternative payment methods or steps I should take to complete the purchase.

    • Hello,
      I’m sorry but card payment is not supported for payments from India. Using PayPal is the only way to purchase WPML. This limitation was caused by some Indian-specific regulations in the past and we have to adjust our system to be ready again. I will notify our developers that we have clients from India looking forward to this option. We apologise for this inconvenience.

  13. Dear collaegues,

    We want to buy a plugin with an Invoice payment from our account. Please help us with this payment optiion.


    • Hello Sergey,
      When you purchase WPML, the checkout form will ask you for your data that will appear on the invoice. Please provide your data and you will be able to download the invoice from your WPML account. You can register any websites with your account for any client. So please go to this page: click on the package you want to buy (for example the Multilingual CMS) and provide your data on the checkout form: first name, last name, company details and the VAT number if you have one.

  14. I am looking into using the Twenty Twenty-Five theme with WordPress 6.7, the site should be multilingual.
    I have a couple of questions regarding WPML:
    Is that theme and WordPress version supported?
    If I want to use Azure machine translation can that be connected to my own Azure instance?

    • Hello Jimmy,
      Yes, Twenty Twenty-Five theme should be multilingual ready. However, you can’t use your own Azure instance currently,

  15. Hello,

    Account credentials lost and need to update credit card details. How to proceed?
    Resetting password is not an option, account credentials were bind to a person who
    have left the company.

    • Hello,
      normally we cannot change the email address because this could be a way to take over someone else’s account. Please use this form and send us your WPML invoice number or anything that will help us to identify you in our system as the person who can use the account you mention and we will see what we can do for you.

  16. Hi,

    Does this plugin automatically translate into indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telgu, Marathi etc?

    Also I want the option that for products I want to upload documents or videos in different languages is it possible using this plugin?

    • Hello, here’s the list of languages supported by WPML for automatic translation:
      > Also I want the option that for products I want to upload documents or videos in different languages is it possible using this plugin?
      It depends on how your documents are stored and mentioned inside your content. I would need more details from you to understand this. Are you using the plugin to handle your documents and videos? What’s the plugin name?

  17. Hi, I have orderd WPML to be able to reinstall the new version. I have an older version of WPML no longer supported. But I have not received my login and password yet. The payment is done. What is happening?

    • Hello,
      the only order I found with your email address was from Aug 25, 2013. I checked the email you used to post this comment with. It was the Blog subscription that expired on August 25, 2014. So you must have made a typo when buying WPML again. Please use this form and provide us some details that will help us find your order: the date and time of purchase, your country, 4 last digits of your card etc.

  18. Hello,

    We are looking to purchase WPML as our language translation provider on our WordPress Websites, but have a couple of security questions before we purchase.

    Is there a sales contact that I can get in touch with?

    Thank you

  19. Hi ,

    So I am planning to purchase the WPML “Multilingual Agency” plan due to more automattic credits but I have some questions:

    1) do the credits get used up when translating dynamic pages like cart,checkout,order confirmation/thank you pages & emails/pdf’s?

    2) if assuming they do , does it work like the mostly repeated content like cart headings , sub headings & some buttons once use credits and the other dynamic stuff like product name,price,subtotal & quantity on each order use credits?!

    3)for WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips compatibility with WPML your this guide says that it is not compatible with free version of the plugin , but then it gives a work around here though the file path in this guide makes it somewhat clear that this work around only works with PRO version I just wanted to confirm it wether this work around makes the free version of the pdf plugin compatible with you.

    4)After I purchase the plan of WPML , can I disable auto-renewal of plan or prevent my site to use extra credits to avioid extra charges for the credits ? I want to manual pay & know in advance If I am using extra credits & also manually renew plan.

    • Hello Mohammed,
      Let me answer your questions in order.
      1. If those elements are already translated in the .mo files, WPML won’t use the credits, instead it will load those .mo files translation.
      2. Once an element is translated, WPML will use its Translation memory and will take those translations across the website.
      3. If you want to fully translate your WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin, you will need to user the PRO version. The fix provided on the errata only fix a specific issue.
      4. Sure, once you do your purchase, you can access to your WPML account and disable the auto-renewal option.

  20. Hello,

    I am not sure how do the right choice for the translations of my website. I have a german real estate plattform for agents who can submit their properties. So I do that as a german living in france who will provide french properties for germans who are interested to buy a house in france. As well I want show the same properties for french people. So german AND french agents can submit their properties (each in their language)

    Actually I have a german domain par ex:

    The question I have, how is the best way to provide on both markets (France, Germany) just by translation the website Will the content showing as well on the “french Google” (I doubt)

    Or is it better to have a as well a french domain par ex: (which I have already)

    In this case, it’s a problem with double content no? If I have 1 same property on the german domain AND the french domain? (If it’s even possible? DO I need to have 2 wordpress 2Themes?)

    Can someone light me up pls?

    Thanks in advance

    • Hello,
      is this a WordPress site? WPML works only with WordPress sites. If this is a WordPress site, please provide me the name of the theme you use and the plugin for handling properties. To handle translation of properties the theme and plugin have to be compatible with WPML. Then, I can answer all your other questions. Thank you.

  21. Hey Agnes,

    thanks for your reply.

    yes it’s a WordPress site.

    I am using Houzez Theme. No other Plugins used for properties handling as I guess everything is inhouse. Properties, registration, messaging etc Plugins: Houzez CRM, Houzez Login Register, Houzez Studio, Houzez Theme – Functionality)

    Thanks in advance

    • Thank you. WPML is fully compatible with the Houzez Theme but all the translations happen on the backend before they can bee seen on the front-end for your site’s visitors.
      This page will help you understand how it works.
      I would recommend starting with one language and with the “Let me choose what to translate” mode, translate a few properties to see how it goes. Only after everything works fine you can switch to the “Translate everything” mode to get any new properties automatically translated. Please note that you can translate your properties fully automatically only from your site’s primary language to the other languages and not the other way around.

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