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On another site: hidden link when Spanish is clicked, then the viewer moves to another page, they need to click Spanish again for it to translate. How do I get it to keep Spanish from page to page?
When Spanish is clicked, then the viewer moves to another page, the page is in English and they need to click Spanish again for it to translate. It used to work, when a viewer clicked Spanish it would translate that page and any other page they went to. How do I get it to keep Spanish from page to page?
Could you upload relevant screenshots that would help illustrate the problem? I want to ensure that I fully understand the issue at hand so that I can provide the best possible solution.
Then when a viewer clicks on another page, it does not keep Spanish but switches back to English: hidden link;
Where does a viewer click on another page? Please show me a screenshot because I only see the menu, which is probably not translated, as I mentioned before.
No, I am not talking about the menu only, the whole page is no longer Spanish. When you click on Spanish, you can see it translates, but now click to another page, does this page you moved to now revert back to English? So you will again need to click on the Spanish translate button to translate the page to Spanish? This is the problem for me. hidden link
Thank you for your feedback. I can also click on icons under "Qué hacer en Sturgis, Michigan". Please show me the screenshot if this is not where I need to click.