This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.
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<b>Background of the issue: </b>
I am trying to work out why a translation bug is happening. I was attempting to edit the translation of a page that is already translated, as seen from the link: hidden link. It's happening on allot of pages, not just one.
<b>Symptoms: </b>
The translation window fields are empty when I try to edit the translation of the page.
<b>Questions: </b>
Why are the translation window fields empty when editing an already translated page?
Languages: English (English )Spanish (Español )Italian (Italiano )
Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+01:00)
Hello there,
I'll help you get started while a supporter takes your case.
I tried searching for that page on our end but couldn't find any translation for that specific page which explains why you see it as empty. Could it be you had translated that page when the site was on another domain (like in staging or something like that) or when instead it was still not published (in that case the permalinks still doesn't exist then)?
Apart from this page do you also see others like that?
Let us know so we can better understand what's going on and help you solve the problem.
-- Could it be you had translated that page when the site was on another domain
Yes it's possible these pages were translated on the Staging environment. But so was all of the site. And this bug only seems to affect the Customers post type
-- Apart from this page do you also see others like that?
It's most pages/posts under the Customers post type, so around 215: hidden link
It's strange that the pages actual displays the translated text: hidden link
To ensure the quickest and most accurate support, please provide your debug information so I can look at some of your configurations. We have an excellent article on how to locate it here:
I'll need to ask a few more questions to understand what may be the issue.
Is it possible that those pages were translated using another translation method? Like the Classic Editor or the WP Editor?
--Is it possible that those pages were translated using another translation method? Like the Classic Editor or the WP Editor?
We did not populate the site, our client did. So it is possible. Is there a way we can find out?
--Did you follow this documentation when migrating from staging to production?
Yes we did. This site has many pages and most are working fine. As in they do not have this bug
--If you open the translation from the staging site, do you see the content in the editor?
No, the WPML editor is empty. So has the same bug
To check if those pages were translated using the Classic Translation Editor or the WP Editor we need to open the translations using them.
To do so:
- In your staging site go to WPML > Translation Editor and choose the Classic Translation Editor
- Go to pages, edit a page with the problem, and then click to edit the translation in the language section of the sidebar. If the translated content is there, it means that it was translated with this method. If not:
- Edit the original page, and before clicking to edit the translation and switch to the WP Editor (check the screenshot attached). If the translated content is there, it means that it was translated this way.