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37,026 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. Hello!
    I am working on a staging environment and wanted to know if I could install the plug-in here and then deploy it to the actual domain.
    Also I wanted to know how much time does the plug-in takes to complete the translation of the website?

      • Similar question: we have a dev/staging/prod environment setup and don’t want to use up all of our 3 site licenses as there’s only 1 production site. Can we use production key on the other environments?

        • No, you cannot use the same key on more than one site. After finishing your work on the staging environment, you can unregister the site, delete the key and generate a new one in its place. It won’t affect the staging site but you won’t be able to receive plugin updates for it.

          • Thanks Agnes for the fast reply. That is disappointing, as we work in an agile environment and will be constantly updating all 3 environments. It’s not really an option for us to be frequently registering and unregistering the different environments. Please reconsider this in future.

            In the meantime, can I upgrade my account from CMS to Agency and pay the difference rather than take a full new Agency plan?

  2. Hello,

    We would like to cancel our renewal, as we do not currently need it. According to the information on your pricing page, we will still be able to use the plug-in and everything will continue to work on the website. However, we will not be able to download updates or register or re-register sites. Is this correct?

    Is it possible to later reactivate the account, should we need it?

    Thank you!

    • Yes, that’s correct. Nothing will stop working except the fact that you won’t receive updates. Yes, you can reactivate your subscription later.

  3. Hi!
    I’m using the WPML Multilingual CMS 4.3.4 plugin for my site and I want to upgrade to the newest version but I get this message: “You must have a valid subscription in order to get upgrades or support for this plugin”.
    Does that mean I have to buy the plugin again or just renew my support?
    I don’t know my WPML account so I can see if I have a valid key.


    • Hello,
      I haven’t found any user with the email you used for posting this comment so it means that you don’t have any active account in our system yet. So you would need to buy WPML anew, register your site, and then you will be able to update your plugins.

      • Does this mean that I have to delete the old plugin and reinstall the new one that i’ll buy?
        Because I already have a lot of languages and content on the site, and recreating everything is not an option?
        Is it possible to buy it again and have all the settings as they are now?


        • You need to update the plugin (updating any WordPress plugin replaces the previous version with the new one), but you won’t lose your existing content and your translations.

    • Hello, it’s not possible, I’m sorry. The only way to ask pre-sales questions is to ask them here or via our Facebook page.

  4. Can I buy a new instance of WPML for my second blog if I do not want to renew the licence for my first blog? When I go to the “purchase process” section of the WPML website, I am given only one option – to renew the previously purchased licence only. Do I get it right that I need to register under another name or using a different email address to purchase a second basic licence? I would appreciate a prompt response.

    • You cannot have two different kinds of packages (Blog and CMS) under the same mail. If that’s your goal, yes, you need to register under another email.

  5. Hello,
    we’re going to buy the 79$ plan.

    Is it possible to buy more years since now? We’d like to be able to buy 2, 3, or 4 years (paying, of course, activation + renewals all in once).

    Thank you

    • Hello, it’s not possible to pay in advance for more than 1 year. But if you leave enough money on the account associated with your card and if you don’t cancel your subscription in the meantime, it will auto-renew automatically after the first year (the renewal price is lower).

    • Yes, there is. Please choose Stripe (Use a different payment processor) and then you will be able to enter your card number

    • Hello Damian, I’m sorry but we cannot. You can buy the CMS package and upgrade to the Agency later (for the difference in purchase price).

  6. Hello, we have found WPML installed on our client’s site, but the client does not seem to have details of their WPML account: would it possible to find out whether they do indeed have an account with you and in that case reactivate the subscription?

    The site address is the one provided.


    • Hello Max,
      if their site is registered, we can track it down. Please go to Plugins -> Add new -> Commercial tab and check if the site is registered. If it is, send me the URL and I will find the user in our system. If you cannot see the Commercial tab at all, it means, it’s not registered and I cannot do much. They can also try to reset their password:

      • Hi Agnes,
        thanks for getting back.

        I do see the Commercial tab, but the WPML sync button just says “Register WPML”.

        Now, it may be that whoever built their site just installed a copy of WPML for them and left it at that, or they indeed purchased a license and didn’t complete the syncing process. In any case, I’m not able to find the URL you ask for.

        Don’t you have a way to find in your records if the client has a purchase history? They’d have used an email ending with the provided domain, the company name is the same as the domain name before the extension, the domain extension is the country they are based in.

        Thanks for any help

        • If their site is not registered, their subscription might have expired anyway. I don’t know if we are able to run a query with a substring. This is not our standard routine and I would need to arrange it with our admins and I cannot promise when they can do this. But you would need to share the domain with me. We can easily check the client’s purchase history once we know their full email. You can send us the email via this form:

            • Running a query on a substring is very expensive (resource-wise) and there is a slim chance we can do this. But we can check a client’s purchase history once we know his/her email address. If you can share this email with us, please use the form I mentioned, and the person who receives the form will be able to do it and check if their WPML account is still active. Thank you.

  7. Hi There,

    I just subscribed and it didn’t work for me. I want to cancel my subscription and get a refund. I send an e-mail but no answers. Please reply.


  8. Hey,

    I plan to use WPML on a multisite setup with a root domain + 3 sub-sites. The WPML will be used on the sub-sites. Which license should I buy? Would the Multilingual CMS be OK?

    • Hello Marcin,
      yes, the CMS package will be okay. You need one key per WordPress install. Your subsites are part of a WordPress Multisite, you need just one key. If these are three separate WordPresses, you will need to use 3 keys.

  9. Hi, I wanted to buy credits for automatic translation.
    I would need to translate an e-commerce, after translating is it possible to lower the monthly charge?
    If I stop paying for the subscription, will the translations remain stored in the site’s memory or are they deleted?

    Thank you

  10. Salve sto gestendo un sito aziendale sul quale è gia attivo Wpml vorrei prendere una versione pro non so se il sito lo aveva gia in ogni caso All one seo e la versione wp non sono mai stati aggiornati posso fare upgrade ugualmente o va in conflitto? con versione vecchie del 2017?

    • Hello, WPML works fine with the recent WordPress version and it also works fine with the All in one SEO plugin. You would need to update WordPress first and then other plugins. But if you use very old versions, you need to do it carefully. The best would be to do it on a copy to see if there are no issues or if you don’t cannot use a copy you should put your site under maintenance mode. In case of any issues, open a ticket on our support forum.

        • I’m sorry but that’s impossible. Only paying clients can use our support forum. But we offer a 30-day refund for everyone who buys WPML. You can do the following: buy WPML, open a ticket on our support forum, check anything you need, and if it turns out that you are not 100% convinced that WPML is for you or it doesn’t work as you would expect, please request a refund.

    • Hi, no, you won’t lose your translations. An active subscription is required for receiving new updates and getting access to our support forum.

  11. Dear Agnes,
    We have a client who is building their website on WordPress and WooCommerce and we were hired for the translation of their website. We are using Smartcat and Smartcat told me, that there is a WPML connector for WordPress (we have already worked with it and it works, so no issue/question here) and that it potentially could also work with WooCommerce. Could you please confirm that our client would be able to send us translation projects from WooCommerce via the WPML plugin to Smartcat? If so, could you please send me an explanation on how to do this?
    Thank you in advance,

  12. I have a website that has approx. 60,000 words and we are looking to translate this automatically into 3 languages.

    I understand the automatic translate service is a pay monthly basis for the pages translated, per language. What I need to know is, do I then ‘own’ these translations? Meaning I will not be charged the following month for the same pages? (providing no edits have been made).

    Basically I am wondering if (in theory) I could translate the entire website in the first month, using Google Translate (2 credits per word), into three languages. It would be:

    60,000 words x 2 credits x 3 languages = 360,000 units

    This would put me in the:

    ‘Up to 500,000 credits for $72’ bracket

    The following month, if I make no new pages, no edits on pages, will I be charged when people visit the site and translate?

    Thank you. I hope that makes sense.

    • Hello Matthew,
      yes, if you make no edits on translated pages, no additional credits will be used. The translated content is saved for good so it doesn’t affect the number of visits. In other words, you pay only for new phrases/content or updates.

  13. Hello,
    We plan to migrate our website to a WordPress on another server. We want to use WPML and then buy it. Unfortunately, we do not have any credit card or paypal account, so is that possible to pay you by bank transfer and send you proof of payment ? If the answer is “yes”, can you send me the way to do that ? (Bank account, Communication, …). You can use my e-mail address to send me those informations.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Hello Grégory,
      thank you for your interest in WPML. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to buy WPML by paying by a bank transfer. If you don’t want to use a standard credit card you can create a virtual card and use it only for online payments (most banks provide such an option).

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