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38,770 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. Hallo,
    vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort.

    Das ist zwar eigentlich eine gute Idee, aber leider habe ich gestern den seit Jahren bestehenden Account eines früheren Kunden übernommen, da die Jahresgebühr bereits bezahlt war und ich im nächsten Jahr WPML für mich persönlich nutzen und dann die vorhandenen Credits verbrauchen möchte.

    Im Moment benötige ich dieses Kundenkonto nicht für den Livebetrieb. Ich würde also gerne WPML “risikofrei” ausprobieren und die richtige Translation Engine für mich finden. Können Sie mir dabei helfen?

    • Hallo,
      Ich habe für dich eine Ausnahme gemacht und mit dir eine Testseite mit ca. 6000 Übersetzungsguthaben eingerichtet. Ich werde dir den Link in einer privaten E-Mail schicken. Nachdem du die Übersetzungs-Engine geändert hast, verwende bitte die Überschreibungsoption auf der Übersetzungsmanagement-Seite für eine Seite, die du bereits übersetzt hast. Dieser Screenshot sollte helfen:
      Dies ist das Ende der Seite WPML > Übersetzungsmanagement > Dashboard.
      Ansonsten wirst du keinen Unterschied sehen, da alle übersetzten Seiten im Übersetzungsspeicher gehalten werden.
      Bitte halte deine Texte kurz, damit dir die Übersetzungsguthaben nicht zu schnell ausgehen.
      Du kannst die Guthabennutzung unter WPML > Übersetzungsmanagement > Tools steuern.

  2. Hello,

    I am looking to add a translation option for a WordPress site that includes many medical terms and health information. When the language is changed, I would like a pop-up to display a disclaimer, such as “Confirm any health information with your medical team before acting on it. Some medical terms may not translate accurately.” in the chosen language.

    Is this possible?


    • Hello,
      WPML doesn’t have such an option but you could create such a popup with a plugin (e.g. Elementor popups) and translate this popup using WPML.

  3. Hello

    I am already your customer and I intend to buy Multilingual CMS again because I missed the renewal deadline, will you give me a discount?

    • Please log into your WPML account and you should see a link to update to the Agency account. It will be somewhere on the left side of the screen (the sidebar). There should be something like “Upgrade options” and if you click on it you will be redirected to the purchase page with the prices already adjusted. Our system knows your previous purchase date and will calculate the upgrade prices automatically.

  4. Dear WPML team,

    I recently purchased your plugin, but I mistakenly entered the wrong email address during the checkout process. The email address I provided was:

    [sensitive data, edited]

    The correct email address should be:

    [sensitive data, edited]

    As a result, I did not receive the license key or any confirmation emails. Could you please update the email address associated with my purchase and resend any necessary details (e.g., license key, purchase confirmation, etc.)?

    • Hello,
      I have updated your email address and triggered password resetting. You should receive an email to the new/correct email address. Please check. You will find your invoices on your WPML account in the Payment history section. You can use our support forum for further help.
      So let me summarize how our support forum works:
      1. Log into your WPML account
      2. Visit (main nav > Ask a support question)
      3. Click Report a new issue
      4. Select I need help using WPML
      5. Complete the form
      If there is someone available to have a live chat with at the moment you are reporting your issue, you will be connected to discuss the issue with one of our technical expert in real time.
      Otherwise your ticket will be converted in a regular support ticket and handled pretty soon (usuality within a few ours) and you will receive an email notification when there is a reply from our support team.

  5. Hi there,
    I am working on a new Website:
    i installed the language pots.

    this Site ist gona be a multi-language website (en/de)
    but before buying wpml i want to know if there is a possibility to get the published date in german
    example: Published On: Januar 1st, 2025 should be: veröffentlicht am 1. Januar 2025

    is that possible?
    thanks in advance

    • HI John,
      Can you please explain what you mean? If you mean which version you should buy to use WPML with other plugins, it is the CMS version.
      Let me know?

  6. Hello,
    I am interested in WPML. I have a question on a website scenario. We have our default language (Language 01). We want to have the site in another language (Language 02), but we want the content to be different. Is it possible to not show certain posts and pages from Language 01 in the version of Language 02? For example, say there are 10 posts in Language 01, but we only want 3 posts to show up in Language 02. Is it possible with WPML to de-list specific content in Language 02, so that those specific posts are not seen at all (no headers, no links, no posts)?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Hello,
      Yes, such a scenario is possible to be handled using WPML. First of all, you have to choose the “Let me choose what to translate” mode instead of “Translate Everything automatically”. Then, you select only the posts and pages you want to translate. Pages and posts that are not translated won’t appear when browsing your site in languages 02. You can translate your posts automatically or manually. You can translate your posts directly from the list of posts and pages by clicking on the plus icon. Alternatively you can translate your posts and pages in bulk from WPML > Translation Management. Hope that helps.

  7. Hello there,
    I am interested in your Tool. I have worked with WPML in my previous job and I really liked it.
    Now, me and 2 others have a small webagency with a few customers. But we want to expand in the future. So I am looking for a Plugin which I can relate on.

    Now I work with the Breakdance Pagebuilder. Does these two get a long? Does WPML work as well as with other pagebuilder?
    And can you make me a price offer for a really small agency?

    Kind regards

    • Hello,
      Nice to hear you liked WPML. Unfortunately WPML is not compatible with the Breakdance Pagebuilder and we encourage our clients to contact the Breakdance folks and ask they need this compatibility. We hope that it would be easier to encourage the author to cooperate with us. Here’s the list of page builders we are compatible with:
      You can start with the CMS package. It allows you to register 3 production websites (and 9 development websites). You can upgrade to the Agency package in the future for the difference in the purchase price.

  8. I am an independent contractor working on a single WordPress website relaunch that will contain at least 500,000 words that will need to be translated from English into Italian. Please help me figure out the best pricing option. Perhaps you could give me several possibilities, such as the pay-as-you-go plan compared to the Multilingual CMS €99 plan.


    • Hello,
      You have to buy the Multilingual CMS €99 plan to get the WPML plugins regardless of the number of translation credits you will need. You will get the 90 000 translation credits for free when purchasing the CMS package. You can sign up for Pay-as-you-go if you need more than 90 000 credits. According to our calculator you will pay €185.00 EUR for 410 000 credits (500 000 – 90 000) if you decide to translate your site using the Microsoft translation engine, which is the cheapest option. Now, if you switch to DeepL in that calculator and set 455 000 words (500 000 – 45 000, because for DeepL you need 2 credits per word) you will see €335.00 EUR. DeepL is set as the default translation engine in WPML settings. If you would like to use the Microsoft one, you need to switch to WPML > Settings before you start translating your site. For this, we recommend selecting “Let me choose what to translate” mode instead of Translate Everything Automatically when setting up WPML.

    • The internationalization is needed only if you write your custom plugin and themes and you hardcode text strings in your code. It’s not needed in 90%+ of the cases.

  9. Hello,

    1. How long would the migration from Gtranslate to WPML take?
    2. Do you have any use cases on how would the migration impact the SEO?
    3. If all pages are translated during the initial migration, would there be additional recurring fees?

    Thank you.

    • Hello,
      I’m sorry but we don’t have any tools that would allow you to migrate from Gtranslate to WPML. You would need to translate everything from scratch using WPML.

  10. Hallo Agnes,

    danke, das hat mir geholfen.

    Eine Frage habe ich aber noch: Wie kann ich im Backend erkennen, mit welchem Übersetzer (DeepL, Google….etc.) ich einen Text erstellt habe, wenn alle vier Engines aktiviert sind?


    • Nur die erste wird verwendet, auch wenn alle 4 aktiviert sind. Die zweite wird nur verwendet, wenn eine bestimmte Sprache für die erste auf Ihrer Liste nicht unterstützt wird, die dritte wird nur verwendet, wenn die ersten beiden für eine bestimmte Sprache nicht unterstützt werden und so weiter. Diese Liste hilft:

  11. Hi, i would like to ask for domain mapping, for example I want to translate 10 languages, then I will have for mandarin, for Germany, for english etc.

    Will this charge as multiple websites or only one website?

    • Hello, this is considered one website to register with the WPML license key (we call it “site key”), only for your primary domain. So the Multilingual CMS package will suffice in this case.

  12. I have Purchased the WPML plugin for a new site we are currently creating. The plugin was recommended by the person who is developing the site.
    Purchase was done on Saturday 18/01/2025 and since today i have not received any email. I remain locked out and still have not managed to login. I have also tried multiple times the forgot password option. Automatic message say we have sent the instructions to reset your password but never received an email so far.

    I have sent 3 messages through the support so far but did not receive any reply so far. Paid 117 Euro for the WPML plugin !!!!!!!

    • Hello,
      your email is correctly registered in our system so this looks like an issue with our emails not reaching you.
      Please use this form to send a request for a manual password reset. My colleague will reset the password for you manually.

    • My colleague says that she tried to contact you a few times but the emails are returning. Please contact us from a different email.

  13. Hi
    I was wondering how i can use the promo code that I have for my first purchase from WPML. I could not find any place on purchasing process to ask for my promo code.
    thank you in advance

  14. Hi, I’m looking to have two totally separate websites (site A with .com domain and site B with .us domain). Site A would be a global site with multiple languages using WPML and one of those languages is English, but that English version is for United Kingdom and global customers. Site B is specifically for American customers with no other languages (not using WPML).

    I saw the option to choose “A different domain per language” based on this help file: but in that help file it is unclear about the redirection process.

    So in this case, if I put the .us domain in the “A different domain per language” does that create a language option in the language switcher which creates a simple redirect – ie when a user clicks the US option it takes them to the homepage of the .us site?

    Or does it work differently? eg I would I have to set up a redirect from the .us site at the web host to point that domain to the main .com domain and then WPML is effectively managing both sites in an integrated process somehow?

    Or is it something else?

    • Hello,
      the WPML language switchers reflects the languages you added when setting up WPML. Everything else is considered custom modification which you would need to handle with your own resources. So if you add two languages to your site, you can assign each of them to a separate domain and those two languages will be reflected in your language switcher. When selecting the different domains option you cannot mix this solution with any other setup. You can add regular languages or the so-called regional languages (e.g. American English, British English etc):

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