I am trying to change the hello text from the messenger plugin. I have a website in French and English and I would like to have
Hi how can we help you? (in English) and
Ia ora na, comment peut-on vous aider ?( in French)
I used the Messenger Customer Chat plugin. I added the text from the backend but it opens a window and loads Facebook settings. I can select a default language but I can't add a translation. I can switch to another plugin if needed. I saw there is also the function to add hello text from woocommerce. Let me know if it works best with this one for the translation.
So you are adding this in Facebook. Not in you site.
WPML works in your site. not in the facebook.
So technically, translating this is impossible.
In this case, you can use another plugin that compatible with WPML.
You can check here: https://wpml.org/account/downloads/ for a list of compatible plugins.
Just type "chat" in the search field and you will get the list.
Let me know if you need anything else regarding this.